We Need You! Get Involved with Snap Shot Day!

Vermont Library Association, Vermont School Library Association and Vermont Department of Libraries have joined forces to create a multi-media advertising campaign for Vermont’s libraries. The campaign includes television commercials and newspaper ads to be released during National Library Week (April 10-16) and state-wide Snap Shot Day during March and April.

We are ready to launch Snap Shot Day statewide and WE NEED YOU!  ALL types of libraries are encouraged to participate. Snap Shot Day is a great way for you to show your clients and your funders exactly what happens at your library during a day.

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Librarians & Teachers Day at NERGC 2011

Exploring New Paths to Your Roots

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Marriott Springfield, 2 Boland Way, Springfield, Massachusetts

Librarians’ and Teachers’ Day provides the opportunity for professionals to learn how genealogy can serve them in their dual roles as curators of their unique collections and as ambassadors of genealogy resources for their schools and libraries.

Librarians’ and Teachers’ Day is directed at librarians, teachers and local history curators who may or may not be genealogists. Learning a few new genealogical skills could be the way to broaden your library’s patron base, excite your students and showcase parts of your local history collection that may not have seen the light of day for decades.

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Librarians & Teachers Day at NERGC 2011

Exploring New Paths to Your Roots

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Marriott Springfield, 2 Boland Way, Springfield, Massachusetts
Librarians’ and Teachers’ Day provides the opportunity for professionals to learn how genealogy can serve them in their dual roles as curators of their unique collections and as ambassadors of genealogy resources for their schools and libraries.
Librarians’ and Teachers’ Day is directed at librarians, teachers and local history curators who may or may not be genealogists. Learning a few new genealogical skills could be the way to broaden your library’s patron base, excite your students and showcase parts of your local history collection that may not have seen the light of day for decades.
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Association of Christian Librarians 55th Annual Conference

Association of Christian Librarians 55th Annual Conference
Inspiring Greatness: The Library in the Academy
June 13-16, 2011
Cedarville University; Cedarville, OH.

This year’s keynote speaker Megan Oakleaf is presenting “Library Assessment in the Real World”. ACL is an association of librarians who embrace the Christian faith and has over 500 members! Contact April VanPutten, conference@acl.org, or 937-766-2255; http://conference.acl.org

This is a conference of interest to all librarians who believe in Jesus Christ, but in particular to the Christian academic librarians. ACL has over 500 individual and 150 institutional members and last year approximately 175 people attended our annual conference in Minnesota.

Urgent Action Needed on 2 Amendments in the House

Library Colleagues,

I am forwarding a message from ALA for action regarding (1) continued funding for Institute of Museum and Library Services and LSTA funding for libraries, and (2) an amendment that would stop funding for FISA orders.

Both of these issues are important and the Department of Libraries supports (1) FULL FUNDING for IMLS and LSTA, and (2) a YES vote on the Conyers’ amendment. Details about these amendments are below.


IMLS/LSTA funding in Vermont pays for:

  • Partial salaries of 20 DOL employees who provide these services: library consulting, continuing education, support for youth services, library statistics
  • Vermont Automated Library System and the Web2 union catalog
  • OCLC interlibrary loan service
  • Cataloging for public libraries
  • A portion of the cost of the Vermont Online Library
  • Services of the Library for the Blind and the Physically Handicapped
  • Resource Sharing grants for public and academic libraries

We have a very supportive congressional delegation in Vermont, but they need to hear from you now.

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries

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E-Vermont Citizens in a Connected Age Workshop

Vermont librarians and any Vermonters with basic computer skills are welcome at the Citizens in a Connected Age Internet Technology workshop, March 5, 2011at Lyndonville State College. Vermont public librarians attending will receive 5 DOL technology certification credits after completing an evaluation. Joanna Cummings of the Snelling Center for Government organized the workshop as the e-Vermont Community Coordinator. Libraries do not need to be part of the e-Vermont grant to attend. For more information, including the registration link, http://www.snellingcenter.org/public-policy/e-vermont/workshops/

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Owning Your Voice: Results-Oriented Communication

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011,  ACRL/NEC will present “Owning Your Voice: Results-Oriented Communication,” the second offering in the Chapter’s leadership series.

The day-long workshop will be held at the beautiful Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, MA.  Our presenter is Dr. Catherine Pastille, founder of The Global Awareness Initiative, a civic association dedicated to reviving workplaces and communities through increasing our awareness of vital lifestyle habits and sustainable work practices.

Registration will begin March 1st and will be open to all ACRL/NEC members. The registration fee of $30 includes a light breakfast and lunch.

Further details will follow.

Barbara Ferrer Kenney and Melissa Behney, Co-chairs,
ACRL/NEC Ad hoc committee on Leadership Development

New England Archivists Spring 2011 Conference

The Future of Archives
New England Archivists Spring 2011 Conference
April 1-2, 2011
Brown University
Providence, RI

The Spring 2011 New England Archivists meeting will be held on April 1-2, 2011, at the Pembroke Center at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The general theme of the conference is “The Future of Archives.”

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