VLA Membership Survey

The Vermont Library Association leadership would like your feedback. Please click on the link to reply to our 5 question survey. Membership Survey

The survey will close on September 17th so please fill it out if you haven’t yet!

Banned Book Week Poster

Each year ALA sponsors Banned Books Week to highlight our 1st Amendment right to read.

In the past two years the education committee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Vermont chapter (on which I serve) has offered free ALA posters to 21 school, public and college libraries in order to help them use this week to draw attention to the dangers of censorship.

We have money to do this again this year.

The first ten libraries to email response to this post will receive the ALA Banned Book Week poster offered this year by ALA and shown in the ALA graphics catalog (p. 6) that was recently mailed.  The 2010 poster measures 24” by 32” and retails for $16.00.

See the 2010 poster at  http://www.alastore.ala.org/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=269

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ALCTS Webinar: Introduction to RDA

Description: This introductory webinar on the proposed cataloging rules, Resource Description and Access (RDA), will highlight the critical differences between the current cataloging rules, AACR2, and RDA. It is designed as a primer for both front line catalogers and library administrators in all types of libraries who need to learn how bibliographic and authority records will change when RDA is implemented. The session would be an excellent introduction to record changes for both original catalogers and copy catalogers.

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Building Communities Grant Program – 4 Grants Available

The Building Communities Grants Programs consist of five grant programs established and funded by the Vermont Legislature to “help communities preserve important historic buildings and enhance community facilities”. All of these grant programs, with the exception of the Barn Grants, require that the applicant be a non-profit organization or municipality. The deadlines for all five occur in the fall, and selections are made by individual boards through an established selection process. All grants require a match; matching funds from local fundraising efforts are encouraged. The grants of interest to public libraries:

Historic Preservation Grant Program

Cultural Facilities Grant Program

Recreational Facilities Grant Program

Human Services & Educational Facilities Grant Program

Vermont Library Conference 2011 – Call for Proposals

We are now accepting proposals for the 2011 VLA Conference. If you have ideas for workshops, please send them to Jane Napier, Conference Chair, at jnapier@kellogghubbard.org All proposals are due to the conference committee by November 1.

The first conference committee meeting will be held Wednesday, September 15 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to serve on the conference committee, please email Jane with your contact info and you will be added to the committee list.

Vermont Online Survey Goes Out to Libraries

The Vermont Online Library (VOL) Committee will be sending out an electronic survey to libraries in the next week to gather information about what online products they would like see included in the Vermont Online Library (collection of information databases) in the next contract cycle, 2011-2015. The survey will be sent out to all Vermont school, public and academic libraries. All libraries should complete a survey, including libraries that currently do not subscribe to VOL. Only one person per library should return the survey. The deadline for completing the survey is August 27. The VOL Committee will review survey results before issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors and making the final decisions about what online content will be included in VOL beginning in 2011.

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Save the date! Videoconferencing in libraries

Within Reach: A Live Free Videoconference Connecting All Parts of Vermont to Each Other and the World.

September 21, 2010
1:45 – 3:45 pm
At all VIT sites

We invite library directors, library staff, library trustees, and library Friends to come to this informative and live, interactive presentation. The more the merrier!

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Save the date! Videoconferencing in Libraries

More information coming soon.

Within Reach: A live videoconference connecting all parts of Vermont to each other and the world.

September 21, 2010
1:45 – 3:45 pm
At all VIT sites

Learn how videoconferencing brings the world to your library. Be prepared to be excited and engaged by the possibilities that videoconferencing affords.

Learn about funding opportunities. Discover how you can take advantage of available sources including help with grant writing.

Learn about videoconferencing from a librarian who has been connected for years. Meet with inspiration from Wilma Kakie Glover-Koomson The reference librarian/IT manager Haverstraw King’s Daughter Public Library, Garnerville, New York.

Learn about the connection to the Library of Congress. Experience how programs will benefit your community from Judy Graves, Digital Projects Coordinator- Library of Congress.

Come discover how the future for your library is… Within Reach.

*For directions to the VIT sites visit www.vitlink.org

Highlights of the Upcoming NELA Annual Conference

Learn how to work “Outside the Box” to meet today’s challenges for your library. The 2010 New England Library Association Annual Conference will be held October 17 – 19 at the Holiday Inn in Boxborough, Massachusetts. Join your colleagues from across the region for this exciting educational and networking event.

For details & registration information, please visit the conference website: http://www.nelib.org/conference/2010/

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