Information for Legislative Gatherings

This year the Vermont Library Association’s Government Relations Committee is recommending regional legislative gatherings during November, December and January, when the legislature convenes.

We invite you and your library to participate in these informal gatherings. While the format varies, the gatherings provide an opportunity for Legislators, librarians, and trustees to talk about library issues and the key part that libraries play in Internet access, job searching, and education. It is also an opportunity for us to hear about the legislative process and the agenda before the Legislators.

We need to meet with Legislators this year to thank them for their continued support for the new patron confidentiality law and to remind them that state funding for public libraries continues to be an important issue. Our goal is to keep this at the top of their agenda when state finances are stronger. We also want Legislators to ensure ongoing support for the Department of Libraries’ services to public libraries.

Download the legislative gathering packet.

RDA Slide Show

From Kay Schlueter at Vermont State Colleges

For the uninitiated, RDA (Resource Description and Access) are the
proposed new cataloging rules which tentatively will replace the current
AACR2, rev. cataloging rules now in place. The new rules will be in the
testing mode next year by select libraries, and all of us catalogers wait
with “bated breath” to see if these new rules will fly or not. If they do,
it will signal a major change to how (but never why!) we catalog. This is a slide show from the AUTOCAT listserv explaining RDA.

For those who are not catalogers (but always secretly wanted to be) you might find the slide show interesting as well.

Here is the link:

Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application — due Monday November 23

Hello Everyone,

Just a friendly reminder for public libraries that the Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application is due Monday –  November 23.

To submit your report, go to .  You received your login and password in the mail in October.  If you’ve lost this information, or if you need help with the survey, please give me a call.

I’ll be in my office all day Monday.

Thanks for your help with this.

Rob Geiszler
Regional Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
(802) 786-3839

LYRASIS Launches Discount Program for Unemployed Librarians

Atlanta, GA, September 17, 2009 — LYRASIS announces the launch of a discount program to support currently unemployed librarians and the library community during these difficult economic times. These librarians may take advantage of a 50% discount on classes and workshops offered by LYRASIS, whether or not they were formerly employed by a LYRASIS member institution. There is no limit to the number of classes they may take.

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Upcoming NEST and Meet the Composer/New England Deadline 12/1/09

December 1, 2009 is the next deadline for New England States Touring (NEST) and Meet the Composer/New England.


With support from Meet the Composer, Inc., NEFA offers grants to nonprofit organizations in New England to provide interaction between New England-based composers and audiences, related to specific performances of the composer’s work.

More information on Meet the Composer/New England

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Listen Up! Vermont, Round 5 Sign-Up!

The GMLC would like to let you know that our next round of signups, Round Five, is coming right up — now is the time to let us know if you are indeed interested. This is the ONLY opportunity in 2010 to join; the next round will not be until January 2011.

If you are interested in participating, the fee for schools for 2010 is 3.25% of your materials budget, and for publics, 4.75%. Discounts may be available depending on your materials budget. For publics, this will also gain you access to the Recorded Books downloadable audio book program in September 2010.

To express interest in joining, please fill out the information required in the following form:

For each new library, there is also an administrative fee the GMLC must pay to OverDrive. This fee pays to set up your library on the OverDrive system, as well as supporting new rounds of training.

Questions? Please contact me at In order to participate, we must know of your interest by December 11.

Stephanie Chase

Annual Jane Austen Birthday Tea with Philip Baruth!

Hello all in Vermont Library land…

I append the flyer information for JASNA-Vermont’s [Jane Austen Society of North America] next gathering:  the Annual Birthday Tea, December 6, 2009 at Champlain College.  If you would like a proper flyer for posting at your library and you are not already on our direct mailing list, please email me at and I will email you the flyer attachment in a pdf file.

Thank you – all are welcome, so join us if you can!

Best regards,
Deb Barnum
JASNA-Vermont, Regional Co-coordinator
Bygone Books
PO Box 5034
Burlington VT 05402

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Living in a Wired World: Can Personal Privacy Survive in the 21st Century?

Imagine waking up one day in your own personal terrarium, where everything you do and say can be seen by anyone passing by. Sound scary? In a world of Web cams, social networking sites, and GPS-equipped phones, your dorm walls may be more transparent than you realize.

The University of Vermont Libraries present a lecture and book-signing by Burlington-based attorney and computer forensics expert Frederick Lane, about the challenges emerging technologies pose to one of our most controversial rights, on Wednesday, November 18th at 4:30 PM, in Billings North Lounge.

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