American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and Libraries
Even before the “stimulus bill†was signed into law in February, librarians in Vermont and across the country were hard at work trying to make sure that some of this money gets to libraries. There are still many unanswered questions about this funding package and new information trickles in each week. DOL is in regular contact with State officials and also with the ALA Washington Office and other state library agencies and I will pass along news as it comes our way.
Some of the biggest money will come to the State of Vermont, in the “Stabilization Funds.†Most or all of that money that comes directly to the state will be directed to projects other than libraries. But there are other ARRA funding programs that are potential sources for us to tap. Read below for tips:
Public Libraries: make sure you are in communication with your town officials. Municipalities will receive a portion of the stabilization money and libraries could be eligible public projects.