Library Journal Index of Public Library Service

Congratulations to the five (!!) Vermont public libraries rated among the 256 best in the country in Library Journal’s new index of library service :

Stowe Free Library
Sherburne Memorial Library (Killington)
Fairfax Community Library
Craftsbury Public Library
The Lincoln Library

The “all star” ratings are based on per capita usage as reflected in circulation, visits, program attendance, and public internet usage, and are reported in peer groups based on operating budget. For the full article and to see how your library rated, see Library Journal, 2/15/09, pp. 26-33 and visit

Y’all are an inspiration!

Amy C. Grasmick, Director
Kimball Public Library
Randolph, VT

New Primary-Source Database for Schools and Libraries

A new primary-source database, with on-site search, is now available for schools, libraries, educators and students. Its features include 15,000 images plus documents, narrations, video/audio clips and organized slide shows. Incorporated into the text are also secondary sources, such as links to Google Books.

Group access to the site is free for all schools, libraries, educators and students. Click here for access.

Ten Libraries, Literacy and Gaming Grants Announced

CHICAGO – The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Literacy and Outreach Services is seeking applications from public, school and academic libraries interested in developing and implementing innovative literacy gaming services for youth ages 10-18.

This program is part of ALA’s Libraries, Literacy and Gaming initiative funded by Verizon.

Ten $5,000.00 grants will be awarded to libraries clearly demonstrating creativity, capacity, sustainability and a strong commitment to literacy-related gaming services. In addition, the winning libraries will receive ongoing support and technical assistance from a team of nationally recognized library gaming experts. Winners will be announced during National Library Week, April 12-18. The grant application is available online at All applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm, Friday, March 20.

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NETSL Spring Conference Registration Open

Registration is now open for the New England Technical Services Librarians’ 2009 Spring Conference.

Visit for the complete program and a link to the mail-in registration form. Online registration will be available very soon. (We’ll post another announcement to this list as soon as it’s available.) We look forward to seeing you there!

NETSL Annual Spring Conference Program 2009:

Working the Cataloging Landscape: Fishing, Mining, and Harvesting

Friday, April 17, 2009
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
begins at 8:30 a.m.

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Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police

February 19, 2009 10:45 PM PST
by Declan McCullagh

Republican politicians on Thursday called for a sweeping new federal law that would require all Internet providers and operators of millions of Wi-Fi access points, even hotels, local coffee shops, and home users, to keep records about users for two years to aid police investigations.

The legislation, which echoes a measure proposed by one of their Democratic colleagues three years ago, would impose unprecedented data retention requirements on a broad swath of Internet access providers and is certain to draw fire from businesses and privacy advocates.

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Reminder: DOL Survey

Dear Library Colleagues,

The Vermont Public Managers (VPM) program has received over 160 responses to the Department of Libraries survey and we are all very grateful for your feedback. The survey will close on Monday, February 23 at 4:30pm. If you have not yet completed the survey, please take a few moments and do so. Your information is confidential and critical to our efforts as we work to develop a new Strategic Plan.

Survey Link:

Thank you. I appreciate your help in this process.


Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
Tel: (802) 828-3265
Fax: (802) 828-2199

Please complete survey on Department of Libraries services

Dear Library Colleague or other Department of Libraries “Stakeholder,”

Please help DOL by taking this short survey.

The Department of Libraries (DOL), in consultation with the Vermont Public Managers (VPM) program, is evaluating the overall organization and strategic direction of DOL. The information gathered by the VPM team will assist me by making recommendations on a design for a strategic plan for the DOL. Data gathering for this project will consist of the VPM team interviewing all DOL employees and conducting a survey of those people who are “stakeholders” in the services that DOL provides.

I encourage you to please take a few moments to click on this link and complete the brief survey:

Please forward this to others in your organization that you think should participate in this survey, including library trustees.

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