Getting Your Board to Raise Money: Plan B (and C and D and…) Online Webinar

Getting Your Board to Raise Money: Plan B (and C and D and…)

Date/Time: Thursday, October 28, 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Fee: $35.00
Presenter: Andy Robinson

To register:

If your board isn’t raising all the money it could — indeed, if your board isn’t raising any money at all — you’re not alone. In this webinar, we’ll discuss the reasons why, and outline strategies to turn things around. You’ll leave with several practical, specific ideas for increasing board involvement and effectiveness.

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New England Archivists’ Fall Workshops

We will be offering three workshops in conjunction with NEA’s Fall 2010 meeting at Keene State College.

November 5, 2010
Mason Library, Keene State College
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Registration Deadline: Friday October 22, 2010
Cost per workshop for NEA and NHAG Member: $50
Cost per workshop for Non Member:  $65

  • What’s in your Stacks? An Introduction to Identifying and Caring for your Audio-Visual Materials
  • Advanced Reference and Access
  • Introduction to Archivists’ Toolkit

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Katherine Paterson Talk October 7

Katherine Paterson, two-time winner of the National Book Award and the Newbery Medal, will give a talk titled “The Child Left Behind” on Thursday, October 7 at 7:30 at McCarthy Arts Center at Saint Michael’s College. The presentation is free, open to the public, and accessible to people with disabilities.

Paterson was recently named “National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature” by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, and her latest work, The Day of the Pelican, is this year’s selection as the Vermont Humanities Council Vermont Reads program.

The event is hosted by Saint Michael’s College and sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council in honor of her latest work, The Day of the Pelican.

National Novel Writing Month & Libraries

As an annual participant in National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) each November I am always interested in finding new place to suggest/hold write-ins, and surprised to find out how many libraries have never even heard of it!

I learned today that the Nanowrimo offices have developed resources for libraries who want to get involved in Nanowrimo. There’s even some free stuff, I hear:

Come Write In: Libraries
Nanowrimo Library Outreach Guide

I hope some of you will consider welcoming the Wrimos into your libraries. There are many parts of the state where folks are isolated and don’t know where to go to meet up with people. If you choose to do something for Nanowrimo, please let me know so that I can share it on our community forums. And, of course, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to let me know!


Helen Linda
Library Systems & Technical Services Librarian
Eliot D. Pratt Library
Goddard College

National Novel Writing Month & Libraries

As an annual participant in National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) each November I am always interested in finding new place to suggest/hold write-ins, and surprised to find out how many libraries have never even heard of it!
I learned today that the Nanowrimo offices have developed resources for libraries who want to get involved in Nanowrimo. There’s even some free stuff, I hear:
Come Write In: Libraries
Nanowrimo Library Outreach Guide
I hope some of you will consider welcoming the Wrimos into your libraries. There are many parts of the state where folks are isolated and don’t know where to go to meet up with people. If you choose to do something for Nanowrimo, please let me know so that I can share it on our community forums. And, of course, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to let me know!

Helen Linda
Library Systems & Technical Services Librarian
Eliot D. Pratt Library
Goddard College

Secretary of State Outreach to Voters with Disabilities

The Department of Libraries is working with the Secretary of State to get special information on voting out to Vermont’s disabled citizens. I am asking libraries to help with this effort by displaying posters and distributing handouts. Please help spread the word!

The following items are available:

  1. Text to send out in an email (Attached here as a Word document)
  2. Postcard handouts (Contact Pat Sears at Spike Advertising for copies. Contact information below.)
  3. 8 1/2 x 11 poster (Attached here as a PDF or Pat Sears can send out hard copies.)

Libraries can contact Pat Sears directly to have handouts and posters sent to them: or 802-951-1700.

Thank you.

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609

An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced

September 30, 2010 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Centre Congregational Church
193 Main Street  Brattleboro, VT

In celebration of the First Amendment during Banned Books Week, the Vermont Civil Liberties Union and the Vermont Library Association present “An Evening Without…Giving Voice to the Silenced” featuring Vermont authors and speakers reading from books that have been banned or challenged.

The featured readers below will read from the works of authors such as Mark Twain, John Steinbeck and Toni Morrison.
Jerry Carbone is the Director of Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro.
Jon Clinch is the author of two acclaimed novels, Finn and The Kings of the Earth.
Joni B. Cole is the writer of several non-fiction books and co-founder of the Writer’s Center in White River Junction.
Castle Freeman is a writer who has published four acclaimed novels, a book of  short stories, and a collection of essays.
Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina is the author of seven books, including her latest, Mr. and Mrs. Prince and hosts The Book Show, a nationally syndicated weekly radio program.
Karen Hesse is the Newbery Award-winning author of 22 books for young readers.
Suzanne Kingsbury is the author of three novels, two of which have been optioned for film

The program is affiliated with the Brattleboro Literary Festival that will continue September 30-October 1.

Brattleboro Literary Festival Sept. 30-Oct. 3

Come to the  ninth annual Brattleboro Literary Festival. This year’s festival runs from September 30 to October 3, and I sincerely hope you can attend. We have 35 writers coming to town for free readings, signings, panel discussions, and general merriment.

Our poets this year are Maxine Kumin, Cynthia Zarin, Marilyn Nelson, Josephine Dickinson, Ravi Shankar, David Budbill, and Geof Hewitt.

Fiction writers include Sue Miller, Pete Nelson, Allegra Goodman, and Rebecca Chace, who will show a short film based on her first novel.

Non-fiction writers include Nick Flynn, Sylvie Weil (who has written a book about her aunt, Simone Weil), Bruce Feiler, Ilyon Woo, Bernd Heinrich, and many others.

There are also many children’s and young adult authors, most notably Katherine Paterson and Jan Reynolds.

Please visit our website,, for a complete schedule, author bios, and event descriptions.

More Information on Videoconferencing Available

Our introduction to videoconferencing was a great success.  You can find more information on possible funding and examples videoconference programs with this posting. 1.) locvideopubliclbn 2.) Polycom Program Resources 2010 3.) Polycom Grant Assistance Program – VIT  4.) VC Content Providers 5.) CAPspace 2010 A DVD of the conference will be available for anyone who was not able to attend.  Watch the listserv for notification of when the DVD is ready for loan.

You can also see what is going on with videoconferencing at Alberta (Canada) libraries at .

Please contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding videoconferencing or have questions for any of the presenters.

Marty Reid at 802-828-3261 or

Marti Fiske at 802-878-4918 or .

Vermont Library Trustee Association Annual Conference 2010

The Fall Trustee Conference is scheduled for Saturday, November 6th at the Vermont Technical College in Randolph, Vermont. Sally Gardner Reed, the Executive Director of Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) formerly Friends of Libraries U.S.A. (FOLUSA) will be this year’s keynote speaker. Reed has spent twenty years running small public libraries, including the Ilsley Library in Middlebury, before taking the helm of ALTAFF. Her most recent publication is The Complete Library Trustee Handbook, available in the DOL Library Science collection.

Join fellow trustees and Friends for an exciting day of presentations, discussions, prizes and fun. For additional information and to register for the conference please see attachment. Questions, contact Michael Roche, at (802) 748-3428 or

Download the VLTA Annual Conference Flyer 2010