VLA Travel Wiki – Coordinate Carpooling and Roommates for Events

Hello all!

I accidentally buried the announcement of this resource in the post about the NELA Conference, but I have created a wiki for people to coordinate attending events. I remember longing for something like this when I didn’t drive and didn’t know anybody and desperately wanted to go to conferences and workshops. So now I’ve created it. This is an experiment, so please come along for the ride, if for no other reason than we could all save a few bucks and maybe even meet some interesting new folks.

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Banned Books Week: September 27th – October 4th

Check out Ideas from 2007 on ways to celebrate Banned Books Week

Posted May 12 on the ALA website:

And Tango Makes Three” tops ALA’s 2007  list of most challenged books

456 words posted by **nanette perez** at 03:12 PM

643 views Categories: **Banned Books Week**

For a second consecutive year, Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell’s award-winning “And Tango Makes Three,” a children’s book about two male penguins caring for an orphaned egg, tops the list of ALA’s 10 Most Challenged Books.

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New England Library Association Annual Conference

Just wanted to remind everyone that the New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference is coming up. This years theme is “Taking Charge of Change” and the programs look terrific. The conference is being held October 19-21 in Manchester, NH at the Raddison Hotel and Conference Center.

I’ve created a wiki for people to coordinate carpooling/roommates for events, this one being the first one. It’s called the VLA Travel Wiki and it is hosted at PBwiki. For everyone’s privacy, I have made the wiki for the VLA membership by invitation only. Please email me (celestihel[at]gmail.com) if you are interested in trying/checking it out and I’ll shoot you an invite just as quick as I can.

If wiki’s are new to you and you want to check them out generally before you try out the travel wiki, try popping over to the Vermont 23 Things site. Thing 17 and Thing 18 are about wikis and include some helpful tutorials, tips, and a sandbox to play around with, and there is a good deal of information about PBwiki specifically.

Helen Linda

Understanding Human Information Interaction talk at Simmons

Join NE ASIS&T colleagues and Simmons students for a thought provoking talk by Gary Marchionini: “Understanding Human Information Interaction” on September 15th at 5:30.

Understanding how people interact with information is a fundamental problem of information science. Interaction includes finding information in libraries and the WWW, consuming and evaluating what is found, and using this information to transform personal and global knowledge. Today, most human information interaction (HII) is mediated by technologies and much of the research is informed by principles and techniques that evolved in the field of human-computer interaction. This talk will focus on empirical techniques used to study HII, particularly user studies in laboratories. Investigations of personal health record usability, video retrieval, and exploratory search will be used to illustrate these techniques.

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Jane Austen Society Vermont Chapter Gathering

I am appending information on the next JASNA-Vermont gathering on Sunday, September 14 in Montpelier. (Here is the info in plain text without graphics; if you would like a copy of the flyer to post in your library, please email me directly at bygone.books@verizon.net and I will email you a copy)…if you need any more information, please email me, and of course, we would welcome any and all of you if you are out and about in Montpelier that weekend!The Chapter has also started a blog (a work in progress!), so please check it out for any updates, Austen news, etc, and please post a comment if you are so inclined… http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com

Thank you!

Best regards,
Deb Barnum and Kelly MacDonald
Regional Co-Coordinators Vermont Chapter
email: bygone.books@verizon.net

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NISO Webinar at Holy Cross

ITIG has purchased access to the NISO Webinar on Open Url’s.

Cost: FREE!!

Date and Time: August 21, 2008 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Location: College of Holy Cross, Scalia Electronic Classroom on the second floor of the library

Please RSVP to: Bob Scheier, rcheier@holycross.edu

Description: “OpenURL Implementation: Link Resolution That Users Will Love.” This follow-up to to introductory webinar on “Demystifying Standards” will take a look at implementing the NISO standard for link resolvers, OpenURL (ANSI/NISO Z39.88), from an end user perspective. You do not need to have attended the previous webinar to participate, however the slides and Q&A from that webinar are available online(http://www.niso.org/news/events/2008/webinars/alcts08/) for those who wish to review them.**

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Government Relations Committee meeting June 12, 2008

The VLA Government Realtions Committee met at Mid-State Regional Library.

Members present: Lisa von Kann, Hilari Farrington, Paula Baker, John Shullenberger, Marty Reid, Deb Spackman

In May, Lisa, Martin Hahn (leaving the committee having served with Lisa as co-chair) and John Shullenberger had a wrap-up meeting to review the year and make some plans for the future. An agreement was reached to pay John a stipend of $1000 during the 2009 legislative session to keep us “in the game” despite the expectation of a poor economic outlook. The committee all agreed. We are deeply grateful for the work that John did for us and feel that his connection to the legislature on our behalf us is vital.
We plan to have conference call meetings when possible to avoid driving.
Marty and Paula reported on their day at the Snelling Center conference on: Vermont E-State. Legislative Breakfasts are important and we want to encourage libraries to schedule them for the week of November 17, 2008. This is before the session but after the elections. We will meet in late August around this topic and prepare packets to mail out. Hilari has agreed to do the update on packet materials. Lisa will retain the Card Room for Library Leg. Day with the help of John Shullenberger. Naturally, we are all very pleased with Marty’s new position and feel excited about the possibilities ahead for Vermont libraries. Way to go, Marty! Special thanks to Martin Hahn for the dedicated work he has done to promote the state funding initiative. Good luck Martin in your interesting journey ahead. We welcome Robert Coleburn from the Fletcher Free Library as a new member. Robert has agreed to take over the responsibility of developing our collaboration with the Vermont Telecommunications Authority.

Lisa von Kann, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum

Reference Roundtable at St. Michael’s College

Date: Wednesday, August 20, from 1-4 pm
Location: Durick Library at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester.

The topic is Innovations in Reference service and in Promotion of reference service in light of the national trend of declining reference statistics

RSVP to Michele McCaffrey by August 1. More details to come as well as parking information, directions, etc.

Michele R. McCaffrey
Reference & Instruction Librarian/Reference Coordinator
Durick Library, St. Michael’s College
Box L, One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT 05439

Reference Roundtable at St. Michael's College

Date: Wednesday, August 20, from 1-4 pm
Location: Durick Library at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester.
The topic is Innovations in Reference service and in Promotion of reference service in light of the national trend of declining reference statistics
RSVP to Michele McCaffrey by August 1. More details to come as well as parking information, directions, etc.
Michele R. McCaffrey
Reference & Instruction Librarian/Reference Coordinator
Durick Library, St. Michael’s College
Box L, One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT 05439