Library Advisory Council of the Special Services Unit Meeting

What do your visually-impaired patrons want from your library? What do you as a public librarian want from Special Services?

The Library Advisory Council of the Special Services Unit will discuss these issues at its next meeting, Thursday, Nov. 21, 10am to noon, at the Vermont Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired building, 60 Kimball Ave. (near Comcast), South Burlington.

Public librarians are invited to attend, or to send questions or comments to Amy Olsen, Lanpher Memorial Library,

The State of Small and Rural Libraries in the United States (IMLS)

New report out from IMLS about the state of small and rural libraries in the US.

Some highlights include:

  • Small and rural libraries make up the majority of public library systems in the United States (80.5%).
  • Vermont has the highest percentage of small libraries in the United States (98.7%).
  • Small and rural libraries continue to provide substantial electronic and digital resources for patrons through access to e-books and publicly accessible computer terminals.
  • Although per capita revenue has decreased over the past three years, visitation and circulation has increased for both small and rural libraries.

A PubMed Lightning Presentation

Please join us for …

(what):  A PubMed Lightning Presentation

(when):  Friday – September 20, 2013, 1-2pm

(where): Dana Medical Library E-Classroom, University of Vermont, Burlington

(who):  Dana & Bailey/Howe Librarians – Alice Stokes, Fred Pond, Gary Atwood, Joanne Montanye & Nancy Bianchi

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Historic Preservation Grants – Deadline Oct. 7

The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation offers grants of up to $20,000 to nonprofit organizations and municipalities to help repair and restore historic buildings. Established in 1986, the State-funded Historic Preservation Grant Program helps municipalities and non-profit organizations rehabilitate and keep in active use the buildings that make up a vital part of Vermont’s historic downtowns, villages, and rural communities. Since inception, the program has granted almost $4 million towards the preservation of 495 historic community buildings, including libraries. If your library is located in a historic building, you may be eligible to apply for a Historic Preservation Grant to assist with the cost of repairing and maintaining your structure.

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Vermont Health Connect and Public Libraries Webinar

Join us for a Webinar on September 17 (Repeat of the August webinar)

Vermont Health Connect and Public Libraries
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Please REGISTER NOW for this webinar if you were unable to attend the one held in August. Learn about the Vermont Health Connect Open Enrollment that starts in October. Learn about the role of Navigators and how they can help your patrons, how you can host a forum to inform your town and what kinds of materials and information can help prepare you for the questions that will certainly come your way. Space is limited.

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Advocacy for Vermont Public Libraries

Friday March 29th
Midstate Regional Library, Berlin, VT

Facebook Event Page:

A day long workshop hosted by the Vermont Public Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association.

Come learn, be inspired, and gain crucial skills from your peers in Vermont public libraries. Librarians and trustees will share their stories and strategies for long term success.

Attendees receive a goodie bag and advocacy tool kit. FREE for VLA members; $15 registration fee for non-VLA members.

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Vermont Library Association Statement in Support of Recently Laid Off St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Library Staff

On December 7, 2012, the Vermont library community was shocked and dismayed at the decision of the Board of Directors of the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum to lay off its entire library staff in the name of restructuring. While the Vermont Library Association understands the Board’s responsibility for setting direction for their library during a time of financial stress, now, more than ever, Vermonters need libraries–and librarians. The Vermont Library Association feels that the board’s actions demonstrate a devaluation of libraries and the library professionals capable of leading them through a time of intense change in information resources and society. Librarians are not replaced by the Internet–their skills and training enrich the Internet and facilitate access for all Vermonters.

“As President of the Vermont Library Association, an educational organization that works to develop, promote, and improve library and information services and librarianship in the State of Vermont, I hope the entire library community will join us in support of libraries and librarians everywhere, specifically in St. Johnsbury at this time.” states Deborah Gadwah-Lambert.

The Vermont Library Association would like to express support to all the dedicated St. Johnsbury library staff capably serving the local community.

To express your support as well, consider these steps:

Step One: Contact the Athenaeum Executive Director, Matthew Powers and Board Vice-President, Gil Steil to express your concerns. Send email to or call 802-748-8291.

Step Two: Join the Vermont Library Association, Rural Librarians Unite, and the citizens of St. Johnsbury on the steps of the Athenaeum to “hug” the library, Saturday, January 12th at noon. We will be holding hands around the library in solidarity with Athenaeum library staff.

St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Restructuring

The VLA Board Members want everyone to know that we are aware of the restructuring at the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum and are working diligently with the ALA on a statement and a course of action. Stay tuned.

Letter from the Athenaeum Board of Trustees

Article from the Caledonian Record reposted by VT Digger

If you have any comments, suggestions, etc. re: VLA & the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum restructuring, please feel free to contact VLA President Deborah Gadwah-Lambert at deborahlle [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Funding Available to Increase Literacy Resources for Adult ELL – Deadline Aug 26

In May 2012, The ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) received funding from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to continue the American Dream Starts @ your library, a literacy initiative serving adult English language learners and their families.  A primary goal of this project is to help public libraries in Dollar General communities add or improve library literacy services for adult English language learners and their families.

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