Vermont Library Conference 2011 Survey Results

The results of the 2011 Vermont Library Conference survey are in. The majority of respondents expressed a desire to keep the schedule the same as this year, including running from 9:00 to 5:00 (66%), the same amount of free time (80%), 75 minute sessions (60%), 30 minute section meetings (62%) and holding the business and section meetings in the early afternoon (63%). When asked if the emphasis on future keynotes should be more informative or entertaining, 65% responded “mix it up year by year.” And in regard to shortening the wait for lunch, a 42% plurality opted for staggering the ending times for morning sessions. (The runner up in that category was 20% for “no change necessary”—those must have been the people at the front of the line!)

Thanks to all who attended the conference and filled out the survey. If you would like complete survey results, contact me at
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New Vermont Library Conference Website is LIVE!

The new Vermont Library Association Conference website is up and running!  Thanks to Sam Maskell!!!  It’s time to print out the registration form and fill it out.  Early registration prices are good through April 1 and it promises to be a conference that we’ll be talking about for a long time to come.  Our keynoter is infamous for having people walk out on his lectures.  We can’t wait to hear what he has to say!  And please fill in the workshop sheet and return it as well.  It helps us to know which rooms to use for what workshops.  You can always change your mind the day of the conference.

Register now before the conference fills up!

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

Vermont Library Conference 2011 – Call for Proposals

We are now accepting proposals for the 2011 VLA Conference. If you have ideas for workshops, please send them to Jane Napier, Conference Chair, at All proposals are due to the conference committee by November 1.

The first conference committee meeting will be held Wednesday, September 15 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to serve on the conference committee, please email Jane with your contact info and you will be added to the committee list.

VLC Survey Results

The results of the 2010 Vermont Library Conference survey are in, and the respondents have expressed three clear preferences: continue meeting on a college or university campus (92%), keep the one day format (67%), and no vendor hall (58%). These results will be used in planning future conferences. Thanks to all attendees who responded!

Vermont Library Conference Survey

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2010 Vermont Library Conference! The Conference Committee would like to get your feedback on format changes this year to help plan future conferences. If you attended the conference this year your input would be very helpful. The survey linked below is brief and should take less than 5 minutes to complete, with optional space for comments and suggestions. Please send your response no later than June 21, 2010.

On behalf of the Conference Committee and the VLA Board, thank you for participating!

Vermont Library Conference Information

Directions to the Saint Michael’s College campus are available at  Use the South Entrance to campus for easiest access.

Parking is available in the lot between the Durick Library, the McCarthy Arts Center, and the Ross Sports Center. Conference attendees can park in any student, faculty/staff, or visitor space.

Registration materials can be picked up in the Durick Library beginning at 8:00.  Note that registration is now closed—there will be no on-site registration.

Lunch in the Green Mountain Dining Hall is included in the cost of registration—just show your conference badge at the door.  VLA Section business meetings will take place during lunch.  A tour of the Books in Bloom Teaching Garden will be offered at 12:15.

Wireless access is available in all conference venues.  Connection to the SMC Guest network requires certification of virus protection software.

Computer access will be available in the Durick Library throughout the day.

More information including the conference schedule is available at  If you have any questions contact Jane Napier ( or John Payne (

VLC Registration Now Closed!

Conference registration is officially closed! We are bursting at the seams and are thrilled with the number of attendees! We will accept any registrations that are post marked today (May 14) so if you want to be part of this year’s fabulous conference, print out your registration form and head to the post office before 5!

Jane Napier
Conference Committee Chair