Call for Nominations for Vermont Library Association Awards for 2009

There are so many fabulous librarians and trustees in Vermont that it is always hard to single out just one of each annually, but there are always ones who are extraordinary and deserved to be recognized statewide. Now is the time for you to think about who VLA should recognize this year at the Vermont Library Conference, and nominate those deserving colleagues.

VLA is now accepting nominations for two awards:

1) The 2009 Sarah C. Hagar Award which is for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees must be working in a Vermont library and a member of VLA.

2)The 2009 Trustee of the Year Award for achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his/her years of service.

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2010 Vermont Library Conference

Dear VLA/VSLA Members:

We are very excited about this year’s Vermont Library Conference, May 12 and 13, 2009. Our co-chairs, Barbara Doyle-Wilch (VLA) and Sara Goldstein (VSLA), are putting together an incredibly creative and timely conference, “Speaking Up! Advocacy for Libraries.”

We do not have co-chairs from both organizations for the 2010 Vermont Library Conference, so the time has come to take a step back and revaluate our professional development needs. We feel the best way to accomplish this task is to form a committee comprised of a few members from each of our two organizations to research various options. This commitment would last approximately 6 weeks. Here is the proposed timeline:

* Email Judah Hamer or Susan Monmaney by January 31, 2009, to express an interest in serving on this committee
* Week 1: Work with fellow committee members to determine
o Meeting venue(s) (online, in person, conference calls)
o Number of necessary meetings
o Division of responsibilities
* Weeks 2-5: Research professional development options
* Week 6: Compile results of research
* Report committee recommendations to VLA/VSLA boards by March 15th

We look forward to volunteers joining this committee. It is a special opportunity to provide guidance and direction for the next wave of professional development opportunities for the Vermont library community.


Judah Hamer
President, VLA

Susan Monmaney
President, VSLA

Vermont Library Conference – Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center – May 12 & 13, 2009

We have a fabulous program shaping up for this year’s conference, thanks to all of you! Please check the Vermont Library Conference website for information about some of this year’s featured speakers. We will be adding more information to the website about the program schedule and registration over the next few weeks!

Here’s what you can look forward to at this year’s Vermont Library Conference:

Keynote Speeches by:
Marshall Keys
Wayne Piper
Chris Bohjalian

Cooperative Village: A One-Woman Show about Advocacy for Libraries!

Programs by:
Keith Curry Lance
Jan Reynolds
Many, many more fabulous presenters from both VLA and VSLA!

An Advocacy Cocktail Reception on 5/12
Legislators, school boards, administrators, library boards, and trustees will be invited for a poster session, over wine and cheese!

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Vermont Library Conference – Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center – May 12 & 13, 2009

We have a fabulous program shaping up for this year’s conference, thanks to all of you! Please check the Vermont Library Conference website for information about some of this year’s featured speakers. We will be adding more information to the website about the program schedule and registration over the next few weeks!
Here’s what you can look forward to at this year’s Vermont Library Conference:
Keynote Speeches by:
Marshall Keys
Wayne Piper
Chris Bohjalian
Cooperative Village: A One-Woman Show about Advocacy for Libraries!
Programs by:
Keith Curry Lance
Jan Reynolds
Many, many more fabulous presenters from both VLA and VSLA!
An Advocacy Cocktail Reception on 5/12
Legislators, school boards, administrators, library boards, and trustees will be invited for a poster session, over wine and cheese!
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VLA Seeks Nominations for its Annual Awards

There are so many fabulous librarians and trustees in Vermont that it is always hard to single out just one of each annually, but there are always ones who are extraordinary and deserved to be recognized statewide. Now is the time for you to think about who VLA should recognize this year at the Vermont Library Conference, and nominate those deserving colleagues.

VLA is now accepting nominations for two awards:

1) The 2009 Sarah C. Hagar Award which is for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees must be working in a Vermont library and a member of VLA.

2)The 2009 Trustee of the Year Award for achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his/her years of service.

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2010 VLC Conference May Be Canceled

A representative from each organization is needed immediately to fill the positions of the 2010 Vermont Library Conference co-chairs-in-training. We realize these positions require a commitment of time and attention, and this year we have implemented stipends for the co-chairs and co-chairs-in-training. Planning for the 2010 conference must begin now. Without a co-chair-in-training from each organization in place by Friday, December 19th, the 2010 conference will be canceled. The two boards will then begin discussions on how our organizations can continue to provide invaluable professional and networking opportunities for all Vermont librarians.

Please contact Judah Hamer or Sue Monmaney by December 19th if you are interested in serving as a 2010 VLC co-chair.


Judah Hamer:
Sue Monmaney:

Vermont Library Conference Web Site is Up!

Our Vermont Library Conference web site was just posted, thanks to Jessica Allard and Larraby Fellows…Hurrah! Check it out:

We will be adding to the site regularly so come often and invite your friends and co-workers to also check it out.

Send any additions or corrections to Jessica Allard, Larraby Fellows or me.

Barbara Doyle-Wilch

Help NEEDED for 2009 and 2010 Vermont Library Conferences!

Over the past few years the planning and preparation that makes the Vermont Library Conference a major continuing education opportunity for library staffs across the state have been carried out by relatively small teams of VLA and VSLA members whose hard work has compensated for there never quite being enough hands available for the amount of work involved in this project. In the past couple of years it has been extremely difficult for the VLA board to fill leadership and other positions key to mounting the Conference.Read more

Rapid Reviewers Wanted!

Looking for a challenge? Longing for justification for all the reading you do? Here’s your solution: join the Rapid Reviews team now!

Picture yourself at the Vermont Library Conference this May, sitting in front, promoting the best reading around for an all librarian audience… We’re assembling a new team this year, and you could be part of it. Traditionally, the books for Rapid Reviews are adult fiction and nonfiction appearing in the current year—so May 2008 to May 2009. No best sellers allowed—since libraries know all about those titles.

If you have a special interest (new fiction, poetry, religion, etc.), please indicate that as well. Nominees should be able to meet twice between now and April 15, at a place and time to be determined based on the reviewers. If everything works for you except the meetings—go ahead and apply anyway.

This offer is open to anyone who loves to read—whether you’re a library director, a book store employee, college staff, whatever. Know someone on staff who’s a natural at promoting books? Ask them to apply, please! Send a letter of interest, a brief resume, and a written booktalk if you’re interested. The booktalk given orally should last no longer than two minutes. This is a one year position.


Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries
1 Hospital Court
Bellows Falls, VT 05101
(802) 463-0142

Help Wanted: Vermont Library Conference

Check out the call for volunteers for the Vermont Library Conference that includes details about a range of ways to get involved, each with differing levels of commitment. 

Please consider volunteering since the support of many VLA members is a critical component of mounting our conference. By volunteering you make an important contribution to a major in-state continuing education opportunity for people who work in and provide support to Vermont libraries. Your work also creates a great opportunity to connect with other library staff, build your professional network, and learn about what’s happening at the state and regional level. If you’ve not been involved with VLA at the committee, planning or leadership level, participating in the planning and implementation of the Vermont Library Conference is a great way to start.  Just do it!

Judah Hamer