Library Director – Moore Free Library and Crowell Gallery (Newfane, VT)

Moore Free Library is seeking a creative, collegial, and detail-oriented Library Director for our non-profit community library located in the center of Newfane, Vermont (population 1,726). The Crowell Gallery at the Moore Free Library, housing an outstanding collection of contemporary Southern Vermont artists, is also under the oversight of the Library Director. The ideal candidate has prior library experience, is community focused with both the skills and the desire to work with patrons of all ages, experience in grant writing, the ability to supervise and support staff and volunteers, and willingness to perform community outreach. A bachelor’s degree or Vermont Certificate of Librarianship is preferred, but we will consider library experience and interest in completing state certification. This is a 24-hour a week position.  Salary range is $18-22 per hour, commensurate with education and experience. Applications must be received by October 10, 2021. Interested candidates should submit a resume including three work references to Moore Free Library at

A complete job description is available on request.

– Posted 9/18/21

The first-ever Choose Privacy Week May 2-8, 2010.

I am very excited to announce the first ever “Choose Privacy Week” to be held May 2-8, 2010.   Choose Privacy Week is a new initiative started American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (ALAIFC) and Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) to spark a national conversation about privacy.    Libraries are the natural centers for learning and talking about information issues so  they are the perfect place to invite users join the conversation about privacy rights a digital age.

ALA has developed a variety of resources to help libraries reach out to their communities.    The campaign gives libraries the tools they need to educate and engage users, and gives citizens the resources to think critically and make more informed choices about their privacy.  I hope you take time to explore the website to learn more about what your library can do to spark thought and discussion around privacy issues today.  Whether you are considering creating a display, sponsoring a contest, hosting a program or workshop, or moderating a community dialogue about privacy, there are tools that can help.  

Help us spread the word about the importance of choosing privacy.  

Gail Weymouth

VLAIFC, chair

Intellectual Freedom Webinars for Library Trustees


“Controversial Materials in the Library: Supporting Intellectual Freedom in Your Community”

OIF is partnering with the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) to present three one-hour webinars in February for library trustees on the topic of controversial materials in library collections.

The webinars, entitled “Controversial Materials in the Library: Supporting Intellectual Freedom in Your Community,” are intended to help trustees understand the basics of intellectual freedom in libraries. They will cover information on collection development policies, procedures for handling challenges to library materials, and tips on responding to controversies that may arise. Angela Maycock, OIF Assistant Director, will lead the webinar series.

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New England Library Association Annual Conference



Annual Conference Offerings & Registration

NELA Membership Registration

Dear Colleagues,

I don’t want you to miss the next New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference this coming October 18 – 20. The fall is a busy time for us all but it is also a good chance to refresh and renew by planning time to attend the conference.

We offer many presentations, events and exhibitors that represent a variety of interests. Here are just a few:

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Personnel Committee Meeting

The Personnel Committee is meeting

Monday, May 12th, 10am-noon at the Midstate Regional Library in Berlin 

to begin planning its next project: a survey of Vermont public librarians’ wages and benefits. The Committee welcomes volunteers to help draft, administer, and analyze the survey.

 Contact Chair Amy C. Grasmick for more information:

Kimball Public Library