Updated Intro to Vermont Online Libraries (VOL)

I’ve updated the PowerPoint introduction to the Vermont Online Library at http://www.webjunction.org/vt-ce/-/resources/discussion/80730711 You don’t need to log into WebJunction to retrieve the workshop.

The PowerPoint link is http://tinyurl.com/qbdmof. The WebJunction link provides user handouts and a script to read for the workshop. The searches, email functions, and Help commands described in this workshop are unchanged from the 2008 edition.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Grants for Book Clubs Serving Underserved Teens

The American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) are now accepting applications for the next round of Great Stories CLUB grants. Electronic applications for the reading and discussion series will be accepted through Nov. 2 at www.ala.org/greatstories. Funding was provided for this program by Oprah’s Angel Network.

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Department of Libraries Submits ARRA Broadband Grant Application

The Vermont Department of Libraries has submitted an application for $601,753 in Federal grant funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for Public Computing Centers. According to Martha Reid, State Librarian, the BTOP grant awards will be announced in November. “If we receive this grant award, thousands of Vermonters will have access to free computer training at a variety of locations around the state and four of our busiest public libraries will be able to purchase additional computers for public use.”

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Peer Reviewers Needed for Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

I am forwarding this message from IMLS calling for peer reviewers of applications for federal ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) BTOP (Broadband Technology Opportunities Program) grant funds.

NTIA “encourages interested library and museum professionals to review grant applications for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)” and some of you may be interested in being part of the review process.

The Department of Libraries is a participant in two applications that have been submitted to the BTOP program: (1) Public Computing Centers (as the major applicant), partnering with The Vermont State Colleges and 65 public libraries, and (2) Sustainable Adoption of Broadband: The VT Council on Rural Development is the lead contact and the Department of Libraries is one of several grant partners.

Librarians who are somehow connected with either of these grants may not be eligible as reviewers, due to a conflict of interest. For more information, please see the message below.


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CORRECTION: Library Reports and Standard Training in Ludlow not Full

Please see original post for more information on this event.

Hello Everyone,

We have learned that the registration deadline for the Bibliostat Collect training on October 1 at 9:30 in Ludlow was accidentally set to 8/24. If you tried to register, you were told that the session was full, but that’s not true. The deadline will be changed to 9/24 in the next few days. As soon as we change that date, you’ll be able to enroll. If you want to register for this training, please wait until the end of this week, or early next week. Then, click on the link for the Fletcher Memorial Library, Ludlow: http://tinyurl.com/lh7lc5 . It should work by Friday, but if not, try again next Monday. The session is not full.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Rob Geiszler
Regional Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
(802) 786-3839

Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application — important training sessions, October 1 — Ludlow or Midstate

Every fall the anticipation among librarians is palpable: the trips to the office supply store to purchase new pens, pencils and erasers, perhaps a pencil sharpener, a manila envelope or two, maybe even a new calculator. Who can resist the lure, the absolute delight, of completing and filing the Annual Vermont Public Library Report and Application for Minimum Standards? Oh, the thrill of the hunt to find copies of last year’s report, and those reports given to the Trustees and SelectBoard. What about the hours hunched over the forms, punching the calculator buttons?

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Libraries and Ken Burns' "The National Parks"

Join the excitement around the Vermont Public Television premiere of Ken Burns’ new series, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea on September 27, 2009.

  1. Schedule a community preview and discussion of The National Parks. Get the 45-minute preview DVD of the series, electronic invitations, template press release and flyers to promote the event from outreach@vpt.org or
  2. Link to the VPT website http://parks.vpt.org from your website so people can see information about the film series and the State Parks photo contest.
  3. Schedule a Ranger from Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park or one of the Vermont State Parks to participate in the preview. For National Park Rangers, contact Tim Maguire, Chief of Visitor Services, at 802-457-3368 x18 or by e-mail: Tim_Maguire@nps.gov. For State Park Rangers, contact Nate McKeen, Chief of Park Operations, at 802-241-3664 or by e-mail:
  4. List events related to the Ken Burns premiere on the Public Television website by contacting outreach@vpt.org or 1-800-639-3351.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Important information about ARRA funding for libraries

Please make sure that this information gets to your library director immediately:

The Department of Libraries is working with other organizations at a fast pace to submit two applications to ARRA (for federal stimulus broadband funds) by August 14.

Libraries who want to be included need to act immediately. Please read below.

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eVermont: the Vermont Community Broadband Project Deadline 8/5

I am sending out an invitation to libraries that serve rural communities to pre-apply for participation in eVermont: the Vermont Community Broadband Project. This project is the result of a collaborative effort to secure ARRA (“stimulus”) funding via the Broadband Sustainability and Adoption program for the state of Vermont, and we need to hear from interested communities by August 5, 2009. [Please note that grant awards will not be announced until sometime after November 2009, so these are not funds that will be immediately available. In addition, there is no guarantee that our project will receive funding. That’s why we need your help NOW.]

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