Jane Austen Gathering

Hello all,
Just to let you all know about the next Jane Austen Society – Vermont Chapter gathering on June 7 in Montpelier. I append the text – if you would like a proper flyer to post in your library, email or call me [see below] and I will forward it to you. As always, any and all are welcome to attend – if you have any interest in the fashion of Jane Austen’s time, you should not miss this! [more information at the blog: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com
Deb Barnum
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Jane Austen Gathering

Hello all,
Just to let you all know about the next Jane Austen Society – Vermont Chapter gathering on June 7 in Montpelier. I append the text – if you would like a proper flyer to post in your library, email or call me [see below] and I will forward it to you. As always, any and all are welcome to attend – if you have any interest in the fashion of Jane Austen’s time, you should not miss this! [more information at the blog: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com
Deb Barnum
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“Vermont Reads” Grant Deadline May 30

Greetings, all,

I am forwarding the announcement (below) from the Vermont Humanities Council with the hope that many libraries around the state will participate in the Vermont Reads program this year. VHC has selected a wonderful book that will appeal to a wide audience. Information about the book, the program, and financial assistance is below. Deadline for applications is May 30, 2009.

Martha Reid

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"Vermont Reads" Grant Deadline May 30

Greetings, all,
I am forwarding the announcement (below) from the Vermont Humanities Council with the hope that many libraries around the state will participate in the Vermont Reads program this year. VHC has selected a wonderful book that will appeal to a wide audience. Information about the book, the program, and financial assistance is below. Deadline for applications is May 30, 2009.
Martha Reid
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Teen/Family Best Buy grants $5,000-$7,000

Through the Community Grants Program, each Best Buy territory across the United States annually selects non-profit organizations that apply for grants to support programs and services that provide opportunities for young teens related to education, life skills, leadership skills or relationship development. This year, Best Buy Children’s Foundation will give $1 million through the Community Grants Program.

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Position cuts at the Department of Libraries and Regional Library Closings

To: Vermont Library Community

I regretfully announce that, as a result of mandated budget and position cuts, the Department of Libraries is eliminating four positions: (1) full time clerk at Midstate Regional Library (previously announced); (2) full time clerk at the Special Services Unit/Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; (3) full time clerk at the Northeast Regional Library; and (4) full time secretary position in the Law and Documents Division.

As a result of these cuts, I have made the decision to end services at the Regional Libraries as follows:

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2009 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award Winner

Congratulations to Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, winner of
the 2009 DCF Children’s Book Award! Over 5,400 Vermont kids voted for theirfavorites from the DCF List. That means that those kids read a minimum of 27,000 books! Great job, everyone! Check the DCF website
(http://www.dcfaward.org) for upcoming details on the DCF Award Ceremony, as well as a list of the top ten vote-getters from this year’s tally.

Thanks to Steve Madden, DCF chair for the tabulating and reporting.

Vermont Department of Libraries

Urgent Call to Action! Ask your Senators to Support Library Funding!

Please contact your Senators and ask them to sign the “Dear Colleague” letter being circulated by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) in support of funding for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries Program.

Take Action

The deadline to sign the letter is Tuesday May 5! LSTA and Improving Literacy Through School Libraries are two of the most important federal programs for libraries today. The letter will not be taken seriously, and it will appear as if Members of Congress do not care about libraries if we don’t have 60 signers on the letter. Programs that don’t have a vocal support network are in danger of being cut.

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