ALA Councilor’s Report #3

My third day representing Vermont at the ALA conference in Washington, DC was  busy and fun. I began the morning early at the Sunrise Speaker session featuring Dennis Lehane. He gave an interesting presentation about books to film and the writing life. He seemed like the kind of guy you would like to have a beer with; witty and self-deprecating. Because I had to attend my second council meeting a friend stood in line at the exhibit hall to score me an advanced reading  copy of his new Partick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro mystery!

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ALA Councilor’s report #2

I am pleased to report on my second day at ALA in Washington, DC. Our first Council meeting was held in the morning and we heard reports from committees and officers. We adopted a resolution Reaffirming Equal Employment for GBTL library workers. We also passed a resolution on Non-Discrimination in Conference Contracts. These resolutions will be posted to the ALA website soon.

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ALA Councilor’s Report #1

Greetings from hot and sunny Washington, DC! I am happy to report on American Library Association activities for Vermont. After a long train ride I made it to DC last evening.

I attended my first meeting of the Chapter Relations Committee this afternoon. The Chapter Relations Office at ALA in Chicago  is the office that helps state associations  work with the ALA office. At this meeting various board and committee members report on their initiatives and activities  that benefit state chapters. Joseph Egan, a member of the executive board mentioned that there is a virtual ALA conference on July 7th and 8th. More information may be found at the ALA website. This is a good opportunity for folks who can’t make it to national conferences.

Keith Michael Fiels, executive director of ALA, mentioned that the organization may be very close to getting funding to states for advocacy. ALA has made a huge commitment to training library advocates.

I will have more to report tomorrow.

Nancy Wilson, Vermont Chapter Councilor

ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter III

I am now half way through my final Council meeting. Thus far we have voted on five resolutions. I was pleased to vote for a very good resolution on libraries in Haiti. It encourages ALA to do everything possible to aid libraries in Haiti. I also voted in the affirmative for resolutions encouraging transparency and openness in the federal government and a resolution supporting digital information initiatives at the government printing office. I also supported a resolution on universal access to broadband. Final copies of these resolutions will be available on the ALA website soon.

Council has concluded and I am headed home on Cape Air. Nine seat prop plane–super cool.

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter II

This morning I attended my second council meeting where we heard a report from Kent Oliver, Freedom to Read Foundation President. He introduced us to Barbara Jones, new FTR Executive Director. We also heard reports from the ALA Treasurer.

It may be interesting to people that there is an Office of Research and Statistics at ALA. Their website has many reports and statistics that may be valuable to Vermont Libraries.

I will write more tomorrow when actual business will be coming before council.

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter I

Greetings from cloudy Boston! I am beginning my second term as your ALA Councilor. I am honored to have this opportunity to represent Vermont at our national organization.

Yesterday I attended a Chapter Relation Committee meeting where I was surprised and pleased to hear that the Washington Office of ALA has included the cost of databases for all libraries in a recent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus funds). We will need to wait to see if the grant is funded.

Today I am at my first council meeting where we are hearing about budget issues, endowment reports, and introduction of the ALA 2015 strategic plan draft.  After breaking into small groups we have had a chance to comment on and suggest changes to the strategic plan.  You may view the draft plan here.  Please let me know if you have any comments on the draft.

As might be expected income for the organization has fallen, but some cutbacks in activities have made the loss less than it may have been.

The Executive Director presented his report this morning. American Libraries magazine is now online.

Later today I will attend a council forum and hear Yohannes Grebregeorgis who founded Nigeria Reads speak at the President’s program.

I will write more tomorrow.

Nancy Wilson

Final Day Chicago

Hello from the final day of ALA. We are finishing up our last council meeting. I am pleased to report that the universal health care resolution which I introduced passed. It was amended from the floor twice. The first amendment took out the single-payer wording and the reference to specific bills. The second amendment added the single payer option back in as an option. I am pleased and was very impressed by my fellow councilors who spent time carefully considering the resolution and crafting good amendments. Seeing resolutions crafted from the floor is exciting! The entire resolution should be up on the ALA website soon.

Other business taken up by council included memorials, some committee reports, resolutions focusing on accessibility, budget, and expansion of electronic participation.

Another successful conference has concluded and I am very happy to have represented Vermont. I am also excited about continuing to be your councilor for another three years.

You ALA Councilor,

Nancy Wilson

Day 3 Chicago

Day three at ALA is winding down. I attended my second council meeting this morning. We accepted the budget, heard the treasurer’s report, passed a resolution supporting civil marriage, and defeated an anti-Afghanistan and Iraq war resolution.

Following the council meeting the state chapter councilors met to discuss state business. Many states are struggling financially. We shared how our association websites work and I found out that many operate as the VLA site does, with members doing the posts. We also heard that the governor of Michigan had just said that he was going to eliminate the state library.

I am waiting for the second council forum to begin. I have introduced a resolution asking ALA to support legislative proposals for single-payer, universal health care. Thanks to Trina Magi for drafting the resolutions, sharing research to support it, and holding my hand in general as I have gone through the resolution process. Council members will discuss it informally at this meeting and then vote on it in council three tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued support, and, as always, please contact me with questions and concerns.

Nancy Wilson

Day 2 Chicago

I am sitting in the ALA membership meeting and following the discussion of libraries in hard times.  Times are hard; libraries are busy…like any of us don’t know that!

Following this meeting I will be attending a Human Resource Development and Recruitment Committee meeting and will hear the latest news from the HRDR office in Chicago. I serve on the advisory committee. Following that meeting I will hear Cokie Roberts speak and attend a PLA reception. This evening I will be speaking about a resolution on single-payer, universal health care that I have introduced with Rob Banks, Kansas chapter councilor at our council forum.

I will not have internet access for the remainder of the day. If you have any comments or feedback please send a message and I will receive it tomorrow morning.

Your ALA Councilor,

Nancy Wilson

ALA in Chicago

Hello from Chicago! I am happy to share my first report from the ALA annual conference with you all. We received the news today that, despite the economic downturn, registrations for this conference have broken attendance records.

Our first council meeting is about to begin. On the agenda are a number of resolutions and reports. The ALA executive director reported on efforts to increase broadband throughout the country and to help libraries to claim some of the stimulus money available. One piece of news that Vermont librarians might find interesting is that the Washington Office will not be holding a library legislation day in Washington in 2010. Instead, because the ALA annual conference is in Washington, DC, there will be a rally on the mall with banners from each state on Tuesday. Vermont needs to decide what should be  on their banner and let the ALA Washington Office know.

A traveling display that Vermont libraries might be interested in is “Harry Potter’s World”– information is at A new publication available through PLA might also be on interest. 100 Best Books to Read in Kindergarten is available at YA librarians may want to check out the Teens Top Ten List at

Tonight I attend the 40th Anniversary of the Freedom to Read Gala at the Art Institute of Chicago. More tomorrow!

Your ALA Councilor,

Nancy Wilson