VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference

Join us for the VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference, Friday, January 27th!

Our focus: FRESH, EASY, & CHEAP!

We, Amy and Kat, present to you, our phenomenal partners in Youth and Young Adult Librarianship, the VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference! On Friday, Jan. 27th, from 9:30 am-4:00 pm at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre, join us for an exploration of programs, displays, and approaches that are “Fresh, Easy, and Cheap!” The morning will be filled with a variety of speakers, from art teachers to former teen volunteers, all presenting fresh ideas on how to enrich your youth offerings and environment. And in the afternoon real live teens will be on hand for a discussion-based forum helping us identify what teens are looking for in libraries and how to best provide them with the services, atmosphere, and experience they need and want. The inclement weather date is Friday, Feb. 3rd, 9:30 am-4:00 pm. If you have a laptop, bring it! Also, bring a lunch, a favorite children’s book to work with, and your own “fresh, easy, cheap” ideas to share. This conference is absolutely FREE!

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VLC 2012: We Want You For Academic Library Pecha Kucha!

WHAT: Sign up to present at The Academic Library Show & Tell Sessions:  Pecha Kucha @ the Vermont Library Conference.

WHO: Invitation to people who work in academic libraries:  submit an idea to present a pecha kucha session.

(You know you want to).  Topics?  Think fun, useful, interesting.  This is a multiple-speaker event.

WHEN & WHERE: May 22, 2012, Vermont Library Conference, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

HOW: The format:  your presentation will consist of 20 powerpoint slides, with each slide allotted 20 seconds for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

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Free Online Education Opportunities for January 2012

Listed below are FREE programs American Management Association, ASCLA, Booklist, EDUCAUSE, GrantSpace, Idaho Commission for Libraries, Infopeople, Library Journal, Nebraska Library Commission, Non Profit Webinars, O’Reilly, TL Virtual Café, Texas State Library & Archives , University of Wyoming, Washington State Library, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library will be webcasting during January.

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Enter a Book Cart Drill Team in the Vermont Library Conference This Year!

There something new at the Vermont Library Conference in 2012….drumroll please….a Book Cart Drill Team Competition! Libraries interested in sponsoring a team should contact Jane Napier at jnapier@kellogghubbard.org for the full list of rules and regulations. Not everyone on your team has to be a librarian! Teams must “register” by March 1. Teams will be made up of 4 people and their routine must be set to music not lasting more than 4 minutes. Bookcarts will be provided. The competition starts at 5pm and will be held on campus at St. Michaels. So plan to stay for the fun!

eHealth: Finding Credible Health Information Online

How do you find the best health information without spending hours searching the Web? Join us for a 30 min webinar to review some basic strategies to help you find high quality health information online. We will also review some of the best health websites on the Web. Presented by Vermont State Colleges librarian, Larraby Fellows.

Tune in to one of the 30 minute January sessions.

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Calling all Small and Rural Libraries!

Gale wants to send you to the 2012 Public Library Association (PLA) annual conference in Philadelphia, PA. As part of our Small Library Support Program, Gale in partnership with WebJunction, will be providing travel and all related expenses for library staff (serving populations of 50 thousand or less) to attend the PLA conference next March. Libraries can apply for the scholarship online or by mail. Applications are due by January 18, 2012. Enter today!

Free Webinar: Data Visualization for Advocacy

Data Visualization for Advocacy
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2 pm Eastern ♦ 90 min.

You have data, now what will you do with it? This webinar will look at ways you can use graphic design and visualization to bring your data to life and to use it to further your advocacy goals. We will look at examples of advocacy campaigns using data visualization and discuss an overview of design principles, the design process, and visual tools for strategic planning. We will share sample graphics commissioned by the Gates Foundation and discuss resources for inspiration, tools, and further exploration. This session is designed to build on a workshop offered at the November State Library Capacity Meeting in Seattle, but is open to anyone in public libraries who is interested in learning more about how to visually use data to help tell a compelling story.

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Vermont Libraries Calendars Now Available

The Vermont Library Association is pleased to offer a 2012 wall calendar featuring one glorious Vermont library per county for a total of fourteen months. You can spend a beautiful year getting to know Vermont’s public libraries and help support them. Each month provides a window into the history and personality of each library with great pictures, interesting stories and bits of statistics. The 12 x 22 inch format affords plenty of space for writing appointments and includes all major holidays and moon phases. Best of all profits from the sale of each calendar stays with the libraries to support their services. This calendar will make gifts during the great holiday season! The pre-order deadline is September 8, for delivery at the end of October. Contact your local library to pre-order or determine whether they will have stock available for sale in November. For more information, go to www.VLACalendarProject.org.

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