ACRL Leadership Development Workshop – Managing Change: Shaping The Future

Register early, seating is limited.
Date: Friday, December 9, 2011 (9:00AM – 3:30PM)
Location: Tower Hill Botanic Garden – Boylston, MA

“When it comes to the future, there are three types of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened” (attributed to John M. Richardson, Jr).  With all the changes that are occurring in the workplace as the result of technological advances and the state of the global economy, it is easy to feel as if work is happening to us, rather than its being directed and shaped by us.  This day-long workshop will give participants an opportunity to listen to their colleagues’ experience of change in their workplaces, to learn specific methods of managing change, and to develop strategies for shaping the emerging future in their organizations.

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Letters About Literature Writing Contest for Grades 4-12

The Vermont Department of Libraries and the Vermont Center for the Book invite young readers in grades 4 – 12 to participate in Letters About Literature (LAL), a national reading and writing program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.

To enter, readers write a personal letter to an author, living or dead, of any genre—fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, contemporary or classic—explaining how that author’s work changed the student’s way of thinking about the world or themselves.

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Update on Open Source ILS

Howe Library invites New Hampshire and Vermont libraries to


Monday, November 14, 2011
10:00 – 1:00
Howe Library, 13 South Street, Hanover, NH

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2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey

The due date for the 2011 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access has been extended to November 18.

The 2011 PLFTAS survey is in its tenth week in the field. The current national response rate is 47% – more than halfway to the goal of 60%! But, Vermont only has a 35% response rate, so far. We continue to need your help and support for this important data collection effort to make sure we meet that 60% goal both nationally and within the state by the time the survey closes on November 18.

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