VLA Members Craft ALA Resolution to Enhance Reader Privacy Protections

VLA members Trina Magi,  UVM Bailey Howe Library,  Gail Weymouth, Director of  Killington’s  Sherburne Memorial Library and Nancy Wilson, Director of Bristol’s Lawrence Memorial Library played  major roles in the creation  and adoption of  an ALA Resolution to better protect reader privacy.

  The Intellectual Freedom Committee and the IFC Privacy Subcommittee developed the “Resolution to Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices” after receiving requests from librarians and library users to examine the issue of reader privacy and self-service holds.  Prior to last month’s ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, the Office for Intellectual Freedom distributed the resolution for comment, and an open hearing was held during Conference for comments.  That process led to a revision of the resolution and what the IFC believes to be an improved version.

The final resolution as presented by the Intellectual Freedom Committee was adopted by the ALA Council on June 28.

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Library Journal/SLJ 2011 e-Book Survey

Vermont Library Community,

Please see info below concerning a survey that Library Journal (LJ) and School Library Journal (SLJ) are conducting on e-Books in libraries. Some of you may already have participated in this survey – this is a“final reminder” that I received from LJ today.

They hope to hear from all public, school and academic libraries – even from libraries that do not subscribe to or use e-Books.

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New Workshop: GOOGLE APPS

“I already have email, and can write a letter, so what’s so special about Google Apps that I would want to change?” Join us to learn from Dan Greene about the many advantages of Google Docs, Email, Google Sites, and Google Forms. With Google, you will be able to work collaboratively and access your records anywhere.

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DOL Census Workshops

Earlier this week, Chip Sawyer, the presenter for the census workshops DOL is offering in July and August, informed me that he is leaving his position at the Center for Rural Studies. I was fortunate enough to find a member of the Census Bureau in Boston who is willing to come to VT this summer. However, I needed to cancel or change the dates and times of the previously scheduled workshops.

The new dates and times are:

July 28th 9:30-11:30, Midstate Library Service Center, Berlin
July 28th 2:00-4:00, Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro

Please click on the one you would like to attend to go to its registration page.

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Free Library Continuing Education Events for July

Listed below are FREE programs from The American Management Association, Booklist, Infopeople, insynctraining, LE@D, Library Journal, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Public Library Association, Texas State Library & Archives Commission, and WebJunction will be webcasting during July.

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Survey for Public Libraries: Recorded Books Downloadable Audio

Attention Public Library Directors:

The Department of Libraries is negotiating a group contract with Recorded Books for a volume discount for those public libraries that want to subscribe to the new One-Click Digital Downloadble Audio service.  Libraries will pay indivdually for this service, but by working together we can bring down the cost.

In order to negotiate the best discount possible, we need to hear from interested public  libraries.

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Vermont Independent Media Conversation: July 12th in Montpelier

Some great things are going on in media among us and around us here in the green mountains. It’s not surprising for us to have fertile ground to till in the area of independent media, but what if we stopped, just for a moment, to consider where we’re headed – together. Please join other interested people to do just that on the afternoon of July 12th in downtown Montpelier.

Are there opportunities, needs, desires we share? You are invited to an initial conversation – a brainstorming session, perhaps – to talk about the future and the now. And if you think there are others who should be invited, please pass along this invitation. All are welcome.

Vermont Independent Media Conversation
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Montpelier City Hall

Agenda in development
1. Introductions

2. Some questions to address:Does independence mean anarchy? How can independent Vermont media outlets work together?
What are the assets we currently share? How can independent media assist Vermont communities building and maintaining community links? How do we increase real news about communities? Can we move toward collaboration in creative ways?

3. What should our next steps be?

Want more information? Have questions? Email scottc@retn.org.
Or just show up and bring things up.

If you know anyone who should be invited to this conversation, please ask them to join us.

Scott Campitelli
Executive Director & Program Manager
RETN – Regional Educational Technology Network
ph – 802.654.7980 ext 26
media center at:
208 Flynn Avenue, Suite 2K
Burlington, Vermont

Day 3–ALA Councilor’s Report

Yesterday was a very busy day. After the Council meeting I went to a Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) meeting. I have served on this committee for four years and enjoy it very much. HRDR is the ALA office in charge of recruitment, job services, placement, the emerging leaders program, scholarships, and grants. We are an advisory committee and spent much of the meeting discussing activities of the office. We also looked at some very positive changes that HRDR is making to their job search services. An increase in the office budget will allow them to offer more direction, individual counseling to job hunters. Office Director, Lorelle Swader, shared with us a plan for the change in service which includes more direct services as well as improved follow-up to job seekers.

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