Gale Admin Training

For those of you who missed it in March, we will be offering another session of the Gale Admin Training Webinar with Stacey Knibloe. It will be heldThursday, July 7, 1:00- 2:00 PM.

This workshop will cover how to use Gale’s new administrative tool, Gale Admin. Did you know you can have the limit to full text limit always turned on? Did you know you can have the Return to Library link go to any web page you like? Learn about all these preferences and more during this informative webinar!

To register, click on this link:

If you aren’t available on the day of the event, the session will be archived.

Free Library Continuing Education Events for June

Listed below are FREE programs The American Library Association, American Management Association, Booklist, Common Knowledge, Infopeople, insynctraining, LE@D, Library Journal, Lyrasis, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Public Library Association, Texas State Library & Archives Commission, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library will be webcasting during June.

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VLA Bylaws Change Official Ballot 2011


So far 30% of the membership has voted on the proposed bylaws changes and we thank you! If you have not yet cast your ballot, please know that this Friday, June 10th, is the last day to vote. It is your right as a member to vote so make sure your voice is heard!

Below is a link to the electronic ballot for the proposed VLA Bylaws changes. The link includes supporting documentation and the ballot.

Please vote ONLY IF:

1. You are a VLA Member whose dues are current
2. You did not vote at the Annual Meeting held May 24, 2011

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you!

Helen Linda
VLA Communications

Resource Sharing Grants

Public and Academic Libraries:

This week we mailed letters to public and academic libraries regarding the Resource Sharing Grants for Federal FY11. Financial awards are available to public and academic libraries that received requests from other libraries for interlibrary loan via the Vermont Automated Library System (VALS) between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. The grant award amounts are based on the number of requests received.  In order to receive grants, libraries must have met Minimum Standards for Vermont Public Libraries as of December 31, 2010.

I am asking that you complete, sign and return the Report Form for FFY2010 Resource Sharing Grants and the signed Agreement Form NO LATER THAN JUNE 7, 2011. Returning the forms after that date could jeopardize your grant award.

If you have questions about this, please contact Renee Ancel, my executive Assistant at: 828-3266 /

Thanks for your prompt response!


DOL Recorded Books Offer for Public Libraries

The Department of Libraries has a strong interest in supporting the expansion of electronic resources for citizen access via Vermont’s public libraries. The Vermont Online Library offers subscription licensed content at substantial discount for libraries, and DOL wants to build upon those resources.

To supplement VOL content the Department of Libraries (DOL) is negotiating with a number of vendors to make available digital/web-based products for public libraries at discount prices. Recorded Books is one of those vendors. Academic libraries may also be interested to learn more about OneClickDigital in case we can negotiate a discount for academic libraries. Sorry: DOL cannot include school libraries in the Recorded Books offers in 2011.

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Green Mountain Book Award Winner

We have a winner! The 2011 winner of the Green Mountain Book Award is Graceling by Kristin Cashore.  Thank you to all of you who promoted this program and encouraged your students to vote.

The committee is always eager to get suggestions for the next year’s list from you and from your students. Use this easy online form to recommend the books. The books must be of interest to kids in grades 9-12, currently available in paperback, and first published in 2007-2011. Thanks for your suggestions!\

Grace Worcester Greene
Youth Services Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
Tel.: 802-828-6954