Vermont Library Substitute Pool Update

We now have 55 participants in the Vermont Library Substitute Pool (VLSP) representing every county in the state! If you are a person interested in making yourself available to work as a temp or sub in a library, feel free to fill out the Vermont Library Substitute Pool Sign-Up Form hosted at the Vermont Library Association website. Libraries with a staffing need are able to request a single log in to access the VLSP. Email with the name and email address of your library representative.

If you currently have access to the VLSP list for your institution, I am delighted to announce that I have worked out some bugs in the spreadsheet and it now has proper column headers so that you know what data is in what field. Apologies for the confusion! I think you will find the whole thing much easier to use now.

To sort alphabetically by the column that contains the information you want most, simply right click on the lettered column header above the information of interest and select either “Sort Sheet A-Z” or “Sort Sheet Z-A”. For example, if you want to sort by “County”, that information is held in column “G”. There is also a pull down menu that appears when you roll over the lettered column header and you can sort using that as well.

In addition, we have a new field that allows participants to list the Automated Library Systems, such as Follett or Koha, that they have experience with if they choose to provide that information. All current participants were notified of the change and allowed the opportunity amend their entries with that information. You will see it there now if it has been provided.

Call for Nominations for Vermont Library Association Awards for 2011

There are so many excellent librarians and trustees in Vermont that it is always hard to single out just one of each annually, but there are always ones who are truly extraordinary and deserve to be recognized statewide. Now is the time for you to think about who VLA should recognize this year at the Vermont Library Association Conference, and nominate those deserving colleagues.

VLA is now accepting nominations for two awards:

  1. The 2011 Sarah C. Hagar Award which is for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees must be working in a Vermont library and a member of VLA.
  2. The 2011 Trustee of the Year Award for achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his/her years of service.

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Sign Up for the VLA News via Email!

The VLA News is back in 2011 in a new email format. If you’d like to begin receiving the VLA News in your inbox, simply fill out the short form on the VLA website to opt-in:

Opt-in to VLA News –

You may also sign up by checking yes to “receiving the VLA newsletter via email” on your 2011 VLA Membership Form when you renew.

2011 VLA Membership Form –

The first issue of the VLA News will go out in early January, so don’t forget to renew your VLA membership so you can enjoy this member only benefit!

Happy New Year!

Helen Linda
VLA Editorial Committee Chair

Cindy Weber
VLA Membership Committee Chair

URGENT! Call your Representative and tell them to Support the Museum and Library Services Act!

I am forwarding this message from the ALA Washington Office and hope that you will follow-up with calls to Congressman Welch’s office NOW asking that he support the Museum and Library Services Act. This bill will re-authorize the work the LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) federal funding that fuels so many library program across the country. LSTA funding is absolutely critical to quality public library support in Vermont.

LSTA in Vermont is used to support:

  • DOL library consultant program for public libraries
  • Summer reading program for children and teens
  • Cooperative Interlibrary loan program with UVM so that citizens can borrow from UVM collections
  • Vermont Automated Library System (VALS)
  • Continuing education program for public library employees
  • Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
  • Resource sharing grants for public and academic libraries
  • First Wednesday programs in nine public libraries
  • Vermont Online Library databases

Ask Congressman Welch to support this bill for full reauthorization of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the LSTA funding. See below for more information.

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Rockingham Free Public Library – Bellows Falls, VT (Windham County)

Join our friendly, experienced team and never be bored! We have many opportunities for volunteers here in our beautiful 100-year-old Carnegie Library. All the usual tasks of shelving, shelf-reading and book donations; programs and publicity assistance, general clerical and cleaning.
We also have need of volunteers with experience in cataloging, book processing and…. fundraising!

Call or email:
Wendy O’Connell

Check Out the Vermont Library Substitute Pool

In our rural state, many libraries are staffed by a single staff person, or by a very small staff. This can make it a challenge to accomplish large projects within a short time period, have an extended vacation, or take advantage of a professional development opportunity. Also, those librarians who work part-time sometimes would like to expand their experience, network and income with additional work within their profession.

The Vermont Library Association (VLA), Green Mountain Library Consortium (GMLC) and Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries (VCAL) are excited to introduce the Vermont Library Substitute Pool!

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E-Vermont Citizens in a Connected Age Workshop

Vermont librarians are welcome at the Citizens in a Connected Age workshop, December 11 at Castleton State College. A similar workshop will be given March 5, 2011 in Lyndonville. Vermont public librarians attending will receive 5 technology certification credits after completing an evaluation. Joanna Cummings of the Snelling Center for Government organized the workshop as the e-Vermont Community Coordinator. Libraries do not need to be part of the e-Vermont grant to attend.

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Volunteers Needed NELA Conference in Burlington, VT 2011

The New England Library Association is holding its annual conference in Burlington in October 2011. The NELA conference committee is busy making preparations and need help from some Vermonters to assistant in designing programs and making connections with Vermont’s resources.

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Teen Video Challenge

Hello, all you creative librarians: The Collaborative Summer Library Program and the Vermont Department of Libraries are co-sponsoring a teen video challenge to make a Public Service Announcement promoting reading, libraries and the 2011 summer program, “You are Here,” a theme designed to promote awareness of other cultures and places as well as individual differences. Please let your teens know about this opportunity. States all over the country will be participating in this CSLP challenge, and there will be a winning video for each state. That video will be used as one of the official teen PSAs for next summer. The creator of the video will win $250 from CSLP, and the public library with which he/she is affiliated, will get $100.

The entry form, rules, downloadable brochures and other information are all available here:

The teens can work by themselves or as part of a library program. This is a great opportunity to showcase some Vermont talent!

Deadline for completing the video and getting the forms to me is: March 4, 2011