USDA Rural Development Grants for Libraries Available Now!

Rural Libraries Benefit!

Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, announced the goal to provide $100 million of USDA’s Community Facilities ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funds for public libraries. The VT/NH jurisdiction will have at least $2.2 Million in funding to offer to libraries for capital projects such as buildings and equipment. There are many excellent outcomes when we support rural libraries:

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ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter III

I am now half way through my final Council meeting. Thus far we have voted on five resolutions. I was pleased to vote for a very good resolution on libraries in Haiti. It encourages ALA to do everything possible to aid libraries in Haiti. I also voted in the affirmative for resolutions encouraging transparency and openness in the federal government and a resolution supporting digital information initiatives at the government printing office. I also supported a resolution on universal access to broadband. Final copies of these resolutions will be available on the ALA website soon.

Council has concluded and I am headed home on Cape Air. Nine seat prop plane–super cool.

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor's Report from Midwinter III

I am now half way through my final Council meeting. Thus far we have voted on five resolutions. I was pleased to vote for a very good resolution on libraries in Haiti. It encourages ALA to do everything possible to aid libraries in Haiti. I also voted in the affirmative for resolutions encouraging transparency and openness in the federal government and a resolution supporting digital information initiatives at the government printing office. I also supported a resolution on universal access to broadband. Final copies of these resolutions will be available on the ALA website soon.
Council has concluded and I am headed home on Cape Air. Nine seat prop plane–super cool.
Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter II

This morning I attended my second council meeting where we heard a report from Kent Oliver, Freedom to Read Foundation President. He introduced us to Barbara Jones, new FTR Executive Director. We also heard reports from the ALA Treasurer.

It may be interesting to people that there is an Office of Research and Statistics at ALA. Their website has many reports and statistics that may be valuable to Vermont Libraries.

I will write more tomorrow when actual business will be coming before council.

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor's Report from Midwinter II

This morning I attended my second council meeting where we heard a report from Kent Oliver, Freedom to Read Foundation President. He introduced us to Barbara Jones, new FTR Executive Director. We also heard reports from the ALA Treasurer.
It may be interesting to people that there is an Office of Research and Statistics at ALA. Their website has many reports and statistics that may be valuable to Vermont Libraries.
I will write more tomorrow when actual business will be coming before council.
Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor’s Report from Midwinter I

Greetings from cloudy Boston! I am beginning my second term as your ALA Councilor. I am honored to have this opportunity to represent Vermont at our national organization.

Yesterday I attended a Chapter Relation Committee meeting where I was surprised and pleased to hear that the Washington Office of ALA has included the cost of databases for all libraries in a recent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus funds). We will need to wait to see if the grant is funded.

Today I am at my first council meeting where we are hearing about budget issues, endowment reports, and introduction of the ALA 2015 strategic plan draft.  After breaking into small groups we have had a chance to comment on and suggest changes to the strategic plan.  You may view the draft plan here.  Please let me know if you have any comments on the draft.

As might be expected income for the organization has fallen, but some cutbacks in activities have made the loss less than it may have been.

The Executive Director presented his report this morning. American Libraries magazine is now online.

Later today I will attend a council forum and hear Yohannes Grebregeorgis who founded Nigeria Reads speak at the President’s program.

I will write more tomorrow.

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor's Report from Midwinter I

Greetings from cloudy Boston! I am beginning my second term as your ALA Councilor. I am honored to have this opportunity to represent Vermont at our national organization.
Yesterday I attended a Chapter Relation Committee meeting where I was surprised and pleased to hear that the Washington Office of ALA has included the cost of databases for all libraries in a recent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus funds). We will need to wait to see if the grant is funded.
Today I am at my first council meeting where we are hearing about budget issues, endowment reports, and introduction of the ALA 2015 strategic plan draft.  After breaking into small groups we have had a chance to comment on and suggest changes to the strategic plan.  You may view the draft plan here.  Please let me know if you have any comments on the draft.
As might be expected income for the organization has fallen, but some cutbacks in activities have made the loss less than it may have been.
The Executive Director presented his report this morning. American Libraries magazine is now online.
Later today I will attend a council forum and hear Yohannes Grebregeorgis who founded Nigeria Reads speak at the President’s program.
I will write more tomorrow.
Nancy Wilson

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services information

(post received from Ted Albers)

I am Ted Albers, a Community Relations officer with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in Burlington Vermont. USCIS is the immigration-benefit and service branch of the Federal Government.

You may be aware of some of the hard-copy and online resources that
USCIS produces for immigrants who are preparing for the citizenship test. These materials are helpful to ESL and Civics educators as well. These resources are detailed on the websites below.

For libraries, the “Citizenship Toolkit” is probably the most useful. It is free if a library or non-profit organization registers for it online ($73 if purchased through the Government Printing Office).

Even if a library does not serve many immigrants, the Toolkit is helpful
for social-service providers, students and others as it helps in understanding the legal immigration and citizenship process and requirements.
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U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services information

(post received from Ted Albers)
I am Ted Albers, a Community Relations officer with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in Burlington Vermont. USCIS is the immigration-benefit and service branch of the Federal Government.
You may be aware of some of the hard-copy and online resources that
USCIS produces for immigrants who are preparing for the citizenship test. These materials are helpful to ESL and Civics educators as well. These resources are detailed on the websites below.
For libraries, the “Citizenship Toolkit” is probably the most useful. It is free if a library or non-profit organization registers for it online ($73 if purchased through the Government Printing Office).
Even if a library does not serve many immigrants, the Toolkit is helpful
for social-service providers, students and others as it helps in understanding the legal immigration and citizenship process and requirements.
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ACRL/NEC Leadership Workshop

ACRL/NEC is happy to announce a unique professional development opportunity for our members.

On Friday, April 30th, we will present the workshop, “Learning to Lead: an introduction,” at Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island. This workshop is limited to 24 participants and will be presented by leaders in the ACRL/New England Chapter at minimal cost.

We hope to see you there!
Barbara Kenney, President
ACRL/New England Chapter