Let’s Get Together: Projects, Strategies, and New Approaches That Worked (Or Didn’t!)
2017 VLA College & Special Libraries Section Fall Program
November 17, 2017
St. Michael’s College
Colchester, VT
2017 VLA College & Special Libraries Section Fall Program
November 17, 2017
St. Michael’s College
Colchester, VT
Saturday, November 4th, Champlain College, Burlington
Brush up your knowledge, reinvigorate your board, network with VT Trustees and Friends, and walk away inspired and informed! Co-sponsored by the Vermont Library Association and the Vermont Department of Libraries. See the schedule on the Department of Libraries website.
Registration Deadline: 10/27
Registration Link: http://bit.ly/2hAKUDy
Cost: $45 VLA members, $50 non-VLA members
10% discount for 3 or more from the same library
The VLA sends condolences and strength to those closely affected by the tragic violence at the Clovis-Carver Public Library in New Mexico, including the wounded, the families of the victims, library staff,the community, and our colleagues in the New Mexico Library Association.
Joy Worland, VLA President
CHICAGO – Today American Library Association President Jim Neal released the following statement regarding the weekend’s tragic violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
“The ALA expresses our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those lost and injured during this weekend’s protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. We will not forget their efforts to enlighten and safeguard their communities from bigotry while opposing racist, anti-immigrant, anti-GLBTQ, and anti-Semitic violence. We stand in solidarity with the people of Virginia as well as anyone who protests hate and fights for equity, diversity and inclusion.Read more
Vermont-NEA is once again partnering with the Vermont School Library Association to print and distribute a Summer Reading Lists for Kids. You can order them direct or download and print a copy right here. Feel free to share and distribute widely. Happy Summer!
STATEMENT: The Vermont Library Association supports and endorses the recent statement by American Library Association President, Julie Todaro, regarding the proposed budget cuts to the Institute of Museum and Library Services.:
WASHINGTON, DC — In response to President Trump’s proposal to eliminate the Institute of Museum and Library Services in his FY2018 budget, American Library Association (ALA) President Julie Todaro today issued the following statement:
Please read this post by ALA OIF’s Jamie LaRue about their condemnation of government sponsored censorship.
The American Library Association (ALA) has as one of its officially stated goals that it is the leading advocate for the public’s right to a free and open information society (Policy A.1.3). ALA opposes any use of governmental power to suppress the free and open exchange of knowledge and information (Policy B.8.5.1). Indeed, the principle of intellectual freedom – unfettered access to knowledge – is a core belief of our profession, as captured in the Library Bill of Rights.