Vermont Library Conference Committee Accepting Proposals

Next year’s VLA conference will be held at St. Michael’s College on Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Proposals for workshops are due to the conference committee by November 1. If you have an idea for a workshop or know of something you’d be interested in learning about, send ideas and proposals to Jane at

National Speaker on Digital Marketing and Privacy

Burlington Area Access TV Organizations Bring National Speaker on Digital Marketing and Privacy
Contact Lauren-Glenn Davitian, 802-862-3966 x12

On Thursday, September 22, 2011 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at Champlain College, Alumni Auditorium, Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy will speak on how marketers track online and digital footprints, threats to privacy and dramatic changes in the delivery of news, information and entertainment. Digital Media at the Crossroads: Content & Control in the Internet Era is free and open to the public. Chester explores the latest developments in technologically advanced personalized data targeting, the role of the leading online marketing companies, new approaches to policy, its impact on diverse and progressive media content, and implications for the future of democracy and human rights.

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Chris Finan speaks as the 2011 John Swan Lecturer

Vermont Library Association announces the 2011

John Swan Lecture for Intellectual Freedom


Christopher Finan

 Author, President of ABFFE, Chair of National Coalition Anagaist Censorchip

President of American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE), member of the Media Coalition and member and chair of the board of the National Coalition Against Censorship, recipient of the 2011 Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Roll of Honor Award and 2008 winner of Eli Oboler Award speaking about his  book

 From the Palmer Raids to the Patriot Act: A History of the Fight for Free Speech in America

Thursday, August 25, 2011

4 p.m.

Sherburne Memorial Library     2998 River Road Killington,VT

Book signing and reception immediately following. 

Free and open to the public

Raise Funds for Your Library with Vermont Public Libraries Calendars!

Raise awareness and cash at the same time with our beautiful VLA 2012 Vermont Public Libraries Calendar! The time to advertise is now! Production is underway… the calendar is going to be great!

The VLA 2012 Calendar:
Sings libraries’ praise.
Will help you fundraise.
Has gorgeous photo displays.
Keeps track of your days.
Even follows the moon’s phase!
…It’s a calendar that works in so many ways!

Links for two pdfs are below – an info/order form for librarians, and a flyer/order form to print out and post for your patrons, friends, relatives, whomever…

Fill in the top circle of the advertising flyer with your selling price, we recommend $15-$20. Remember that roughly $8.50 will go towards production and shipping costs and your library pockets the rest. At the bottom of that flyer, write who the checks should be made out and given to (your library or your Friends group).

We recommend ordering a small stock for the library to sell after the order deadline. Chances are you’ll get lots of additional interest after you can show a sample copy, especially in November and December. When you’ve got all the forms and checks you think you’ll get, fill out the order form for libraries. To reserve your calendars, place your order by September 15. Calendars will be shipped at the end of October.

Questions? Write us at or .

The Calendar Team

Ad VLA2012Calendar_librarians
AD VLA2012Calendar_patrons

Vermont Independent Media Conversation: July 12th in Montpelier

Some great things are going on in media among us and around us here in the green mountains. It’s not surprising for us to have fertile ground to till in the area of independent media, but what if we stopped, just for a moment, to consider where we’re headed – together. Please join other interested people to do just that on the afternoon of July 12th in downtown Montpelier.

Are there opportunities, needs, desires we share? You are invited to an initial conversation – a brainstorming session, perhaps – to talk about the future and the now. And if you think there are others who should be invited, please pass along this invitation. All are welcome.

Vermont Independent Media Conversation
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Montpelier City Hall

Agenda in development
1. Introductions

2. Some questions to address:Does independence mean anarchy? How can independent Vermont media outlets work together?
What are the assets we currently share? How can independent media assist Vermont communities building and maintaining community links? How do we increase real news about communities? Can we move toward collaboration in creative ways?

3. What should our next steps be?

Want more information? Have questions? Email
Or just show up and bring things up.

If you know anyone who should be invited to this conversation, please ask them to join us.

Scott Campitelli
Executive Director & Program Manager
RETN – Regional Educational Technology Network
ph – 802.654.7980 ext 26
media center at:
208 Flynn Avenue, Suite 2K
Burlington, Vermont

VLA Bylaws with Proposed Revisions

Proposed changes to the bylaws of the Vermont Library Association are attached for review at the annual membership meeting at the upcoming Vermont Library Conference.  The VLA Board has worked throughout the year to comprehensively overhaul the existing bylaws.  The proposed version has track changes on for comparison purposes.

VLA Bylaws with proposed revisions 2011 (PDF, 148 K)

VLA Bylaws with proposed revisions 2011 (DOC, 97K)

The current version of the bylaws can be found at .  The Board has unanimously endorsed this revision.

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Flood Recovery: What Communities and Individuals Should be Doing Now

WATERBURY – A number of communities have suffered significant damage in this week’s flooding.  Recovery efforts have begun and could eventually include monetary help from the federal government.

The process of obtaining funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has begun, and the state of Vermont is working to get through theprocess as quickly as possible.  Local communities should not delay in making repairs or cleaning up; if Vermont qualifies for FEMA assistance, thosefunds serve to reimburse communities for at least 75% of those costs.

The process of getting FEMA assistance and what communities should be doing now:

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