Vermont Libraries Calendars Now Available

The Vermont Library Association is pleased to offer a 2012 wall calendar featuring one glorious Vermont library per county for a total of fourteen months. You can spend a beautiful year getting to know Vermont’s public libraries and help support them. Each month provides a window into the history and personality of each library with great pictures, interesting stories and bits of statistics. The 12 x 22 inch format affords plenty of space for writing appointments and includes all major holidays and moon phases. Best of all profits from the sale of each calendar stays with the libraries to support their services. This calendar will make gifts during the great holiday season! The pre-order deadline is September 8, for delivery at the end of October. Contact your local library to pre-order or determine whether they will have stock available for sale in November. For more information, go to

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Town Officers’ Education Conference 2012 – April 4, 10, & 18

Dear Librarians and Trustees:

The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April.  Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.

Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.

TOEC 2012   Dates/Locations:

Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland

Best regards,

Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries

Town Officers' Education Conference 2012 – April 4, 10, & 18

Dear Librarians and Trustees:
The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April.  Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.
Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.
TOEC 2012   Dates/Locations:
Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland
Best regards,
Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries

Federal Aid Programs for Vermont Disaster Recovery

I write to let you know about FEMA’s announcement about federal aid programs for Vermont disaster recovery, Libraries now come under the “essential community services” category and may be eligible for aid. Hazard mitigation aid for cultural institutions, while difficult to obtain, provides another opportunity for support. COSTEP MA was able to secure funding for a hazard mitigation project following a federally declared disaster in 2010. (The grant was finally approved a few weeks ago; we submitted the first version in 2010 and revised it twice before acceptance.)

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Using Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S.

The South Carolina State Library is in the process of gathering data for the 4thUsing Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S.” survey.   The survey is open to all, but is generally completed by public and academic libraries.  To see a copy of last year’s results at

Theannual survey, Using Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S., is now open. The survey will close on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 5:00pm EST.

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