Free Online Education Opportunities for November 2011

Listed below are FREE programs Accessible Technology Coalition , ALA, American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, Library 2.0, Library Journal, Lyrasis, Nebraska Library Commission, OCLC, TechSoup, Texas State Library & Archives, University of Wyoming, webex, and WebJunction will be webcasting during November.

In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:

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2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey

The due date for the 2011 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access has been extended to November 18.

The 2011 PLFTAS survey is in its tenth week in the field. The current national response rate is 47% – more than halfway to the goal of 60%! But, Vermont only has a 35% response rate, so far. We continue to need your help and support for this important data collection effort to make sure we meet that 60% goal both nationally and within the state by the time the survey closes on November 18.

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2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey

The due date for the 2011 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access has been extended to November 18.
The 2011 PLFTAS survey is in its tenth week in the field. The current national response rate is 47% – more than halfway to the goal of 60%! But, Vermont only has a 35% response rate, so far. We continue to need your help and support for this important data collection effort to make sure we meet that 60% goal both nationally and within the state by the time the survey closes on November 18.
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Vermont Library Conference Workshop Proposals Due Nov. 1

Workshop proposals for the 2012 Vermont Library Conference are due to the conference committee by November 1.  There is no set theme as of yet, so proposals could be on any topic that might be of interest to academic, public and school librarians.  Please send your ideas and proposals to Let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll do our best to get it on the schedule!

Building Common Ground: Discussions of Community, Civility and Compassion

The ALA Public Programs Office is accepting applications forBuilding Common Ground: Discussions of Community, Civility and Compassion, a multi-format discussion program for public audiences to spark action, engagement and reflection within the community. More information, including programming resources and the online application, is available at Applications are due November 18, 2011. This library programming initiative is supported by the Fetzer Institute.

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Free RDA Cataloging Webinars

The American Library Association is hosting several free webinars about the new cataloging code, RDA (Resource Description and Access), which will be implemented within the next year. The webinar “Introducing the RDA Toolkit Virtual User Group” will be held on Wednesday October 5, 2011 and is designed for beginners who need an introduction to the new code and toolkit. “RDA Toolkit Essentials” will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and is designed for those who already have some familiarity with RDA and would like to learn more. For information about the new code and webinars, refer to the RDA Toolkit website at:

Free Advocacy Training Opportunity: Turning the Page 2.0

A new session of PLA’s exciting advocacy training opportunity will soon be upon us. Please consider participating. Vermont Public Librarian Certification credit will be available.

Turning the Page 2.0 (TtP 2.0) is a free public library advocacy training course developed and presented by the Public Library Association (PLA) with generous support from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In this six-week, facilitated online course, library staff and supporters will learn how to create and tell their library’s story, deliver effective presentations, develop a compelling case for support, and build and sustain partnerships along the way.

Participants are encouraged to come with a specific, self-determined advocacy goal for their library. At the end of six weeks, you’ll have a complete Advocacy Work Plan to guide your efforts.

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Book Giveaway at Midstate Library Service Center: Oct. 6-7

Dear Public and School Librarians,

The Mistate Library Service Center and the Northeast Regional Library have recently finished merging their collections into one.  Due to a large number of duplicates and a general need for weeding older titles, we have thousands of books looking for new homes.  On October 6th and 7th from 8am to 4pm MLSC (578 Paine Turnpike N, Berlin 05602) will be opening its doors to public and school librarians to take these discarded books.   Half of what are being given away are older adult titles, mostly fiction with some biography, and half children’s books, many of which are recent juvenile fiction.   Be sure to bring boxes or bags to help carry your books out.  If you have any questions please contact Jeremiah Kellogg at or 802-828-2320.