New librarians in Vermont public libraries

New public librarians in the last few months include the following. Send your public library additions to the list for a routine posting to Amy Howlett,

Mary Wheeler, Cutler Memorial Library, Plainfield

Susan Smolinski, Arvin A. Brown Public library, Richford

Mary Moser Kashner, Pawlet Public Library

Thelma Georgeson, R. K. Kittay Public Library,Rupert

Michelle Hayes, children’s librarian,Whiting Library, Chester

Jane Napier, children’s librarian, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier

Célina Houlné, director, Rockingham Free Public Library, Bellows Falls

Melissa Worden, Lydia Taft Pratt Library, Dummers

VLA 2008 Annual Meeting Highlights

The VLA Annual Meeting took place on May 13, 2008 at the Vermont Library Conference in Burlington. The results of the election are:

  • Vice-President/President Elect – (1 year each) John Payne
  • Treasurer (2 years) – Wynne Browne

  • NELA Representative (2 years) Kip Roberson

The approved minutes of the May 2007 Annual Meeting and the Year End Budget Report 2007 have been posted (under Publications – Meeting minutes). The ballot for the Proposed Constitution and Bylaws changes will go out next week. Those members with email addresses on file will receive their ballot electronically. All other members will be sent a paper ballot. The deadline to vote is June 10th. VLA sections will be posting their annual reports soon if they have not done so already. The Government Relations Committee Report and the Intellectual Freedom Committee Report have already posted theirs.

Vermont Koha ILS Project

Some of you around the state may have heard word of a group of libraries working together to create a customized “Vermont” version of the open source integrated library system (ILS) Koha.

It’s true, and the group is more than happy to welcome new members who are interested in the development phase of the project as well as those who might be interested in joining a consortium model ILS down the road. If you are unhappy with your current system, looking at a forced upgrade, or looking to automate, the Vermont Koha Project might be of interest to you.Read more