NEDCC Presents
New Foundations: Creation – Curation – Use
June 13-15, 2012
Boston, MA
NEDCC Presents
New Foundations: Creation – Curation – Use
June 13-15, 2012
Boston, MA
Listed below are FREE programs Accessible Technology Coalition , ALA, American Management Association, Booklist, Common Knowledge, GrantSpace, Idealware, Infopeople,InSync Training, Library Journal, Nebraska Library Commission, NISO, OCLC, O’Reilly, TechSoup, TL Virtual Café, The TLT Group, and WebJunction will be webcasting during December.
In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:
Many of you responded to our survey expressing interest in participating in a collective multi-library subscription to the Recorded Books One-Click Digital Downloadable Audio program.
Please read this letter carefully and take note of important dates (see page 2) for participation.
Dear Librarians and Trustees:
The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April. Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.
Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.
TOEC 2012 Dates/Locations:
Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland
Best regards,
Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries
Dear Librarians and Trustees:
The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April. Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.
Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.
TOEC 2012 Dates/Locations:
Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland
Best regards,
Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries
The Gale Cengage Learning Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship honors an individual who has made a significant contribution to business librarianship. The sponsor is Gale Cengage Learning.
The recipient will receive a $3000 cash award and a citation.
The Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) Book Award, Vermont’s children’s choice award for grades 4-8, is a great way to get children reading and talking about excellent books. Founded in 1957, it is the country’s second oldest child-selected book award, and as such has a rich history and outstanding reputation nationally.
Plan to attend one of the upcoming sessions
State Librarian Martha Reid will be “on the road” in November and December to talk about current projects and activities at the Department of Libraries and to get feedback from the Vermont library community. Librarians/ library staff, library trustees, local officials, and citizens are all welcome to attend one of the scheduled presentations. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and so bring your questions and comments.
Often when we are at NELIG events, we hear our colleagues discussing innovative activities they have done with classes at their school. Sometimes we might even watch a great conference presentation where a librarian describes an activity he or she has done with classes, but we don’t actually get to see our colleagues “in action.” The December NELIG Meeting will be a great opportunity to watch some of your creative colleagues conduct activities that they run, or are planning to run, in their classes. Those of us in the audience will act as their college students. Through this experience we will be reminded of what it is like to be sitting in the seat of the student and learn new teaching techniques and exercises from each other.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s “Celebrate Urban Birds” project is accepting applications for mini-grants to fund neighborhood events that promote an appreciation for birds and nature. Grants average $250-$500.