Yesterday was a very busy day. After the Council meeting I went to a Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) meeting. I have served on this committee for four years and enjoy it very much. HRDR is the ALA office in charge of recruitment, job services, placement, the emerging leaders program, scholarships, and grants. We are an advisory committee and spent much of the meeting discussing activities of the office. We also looked at some very positive changes that HRDR is making to their job search services. An increase in the office budget will allow them to offer more direction, individual counseling to job hunters. Office Director, Lorelle Swader, shared with us a plan for the change in service which includes more direct services as well as improved follow-up to job seekers.
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Day 2–ALA Councilor’s Report
Council II has begun. This morning we will mostly be talking about procedural items; a few small changes in bylaws and organization. Following various reports Kent Oliver gave the Freedom to Read Report. He was happy to report that just this morning the Supreme Court struck down a case about distribution of material “harmful to minors.” This is a big victory for ALA.
Day 2–ALA Councilor's Report
Council II has begun. This morning we will mostly be talking about procedural items; a few small changes in bylaws and organization. Following various reports Kent Oliver gave the Freedom to Read Report. He was happy to report that just this morning the Supreme Court struck down a case about distribution of material “harmful to minors.” This is a big victory for ALA.
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Day 1–American Library Association Councilor’s Report
Greetings from the sweltering south! New Orleans is hot, hot, hot. I am happy once again to represent Vermont at the ALA annual meeting.
Day 1–American Library Association Councilor's Report
Greetings from the sweltering south! New Orleans is hot, hot, hot. I am happy once again to represent Vermont at the ALA annual meeting.
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Vermont Library Conference 2011 Survey Results
The results of the 2011 Vermont Library Conference survey are in. The majority of respondents expressed a desire to keep the schedule the same as this year, including running from 9:00 to 5:00 (66%), the same amount of free time (80%), 75 minute sessions (60%), 30 minute section meetings (62%) and holding the business and section meetings in the early afternoon (63%). When asked if the emphasis on future keynotes should be more informative or entertaining, 65% responded “mix it up year by year.” And in regard to shortening the wait for lunch, a 42% plurality opted for staggering the ending times for morning sessions. (The runner up in that category was 20% for “no change necessary”—those must have been the people at the front of the line!)
Thanks to all who attended the conference and filled out the survey. If you would like complete survey results, contact me at
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NETSL Executive Board Wants You!
The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) Executive Board is committed to promoting and supporting technical services activities in New England Board members plan and present the annual NETSL Spring Conference. The Board also develops programs for the New England Library Association, presents the annual NETSL Award for Excellence in Technical Services, and promotes technical services throughout New England and beyond through partnerships with other similar organizations.
John Swan Lecture 2011 – Christopher M. Finan
The John Swan Intellectual Freedom Lecture will be held Thursday, August 25 at 4 pm in Killington. It will be held either at the Sherburne Library or the Killington Events Hall depending on the size of the audience. Chris Finan will speak about his book From the Palmer Raids to the Patriot Act: A History of Free Speech in America in which he speaks about VLA being the first sign of hope in the fight against the USA PATRIOT act. He just received the very prestigious Freedom to Read Foundation Roll of Honor Award of 2011 that will given during the Opening Session of ALA Annual in New Orleans. More about Chris below:
Louisa May Alcott Arrives @ Brownell Library, Essex Junction
On Wednesday, June 29, starting 5:45, Brownell Library invites everyone for Louisa May Alcott-style festivity, Louisa May Alcott: Through Her Eyes. For those who come even earlier, there is croquet on the lawn and games that readers recall from the Camp Laurence chapter of Little Women. For instance, in Rigmarole, “One person begins a story, any nonsense [s/he] likes, and tells as long a s/he pleases, only taking care to stop short at some exciting point, when the next takes it up and does the same.”
Free Webinar: Savvy Searching – from the e-VT Community Broadband Project
Savvy Searching: Finding Credible Information Online – Whether it be finding quality health information, accurate data and statistics, or avoiding common pitfalls of the Web, learn about these simple tricks and tools to become a more savvy searcher online.
- Friday June 24th 6:00-6:30pm
- Monday June 27th 6:00-6:30pm
- Wednesday June 29th 6:00-6:30pm
No registration necessary; to attend, simply log in at 5-10 min prior to the times above.
A recording of the session will also be available on the e-VT website.