VLA Bylaws with Proposed Revisions

Proposed changes to the bylaws of the Vermont Library Association are attached for review at the annual membership meeting at the upcoming Vermont Library Conference.  The VLA Board has worked throughout the year to comprehensively overhaul the existing bylaws.  The proposed version has track changes on for comparison purposes.

VLA Bylaws with proposed revisions 2011 (PDF, 148 K)

VLA Bylaws with proposed revisions 2011 (DOC, 97K)

The current version of the bylaws can be found at https://vermontlibraries.org//constitution-bylaws .  The Board has unanimously endorsed this revision.

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More About the New England Library Leadership Symposium

The application for the New England Library Leadership Symposium (NELLS 2011) is due next week.  Please postmark your application by May 17th if you are mailing it, or email it by May 18th if you are submitting it electronically.  Please contact the co-Chairs at the emails listed below for more information.

Here is more information about NELLS:

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Openings on DCF and GMBA Committees

Are you an avid reader who loves to bring kids and books together? If so, you may want to apply for one of our book award committee openings. The Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award is  for  students in grade 4-8, and the Green Mountain Book Award is for students in grades 9-12. There is one opening on each committee. To apply for either, please send to me electronically:

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The Musical World of Jane Austen

Hello all in Vermont Libraries Land,

Our next Jane Austen in Vermont Gathering is on 5 June 2011 at Vermont College of Fine Arts Chapel in Montpelier. We are honored to present Dr. William Tortolano, Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts at Saint Michael’s College, in an organ recital and short lecture on “The Musical World of Jane Austen.”

It is open to the public, pay at the door: $10./ person; $5./ student. If you would like a flyer for posting in your library, please email me.

If any of you are in the area that weekend, please join us!

Best regards,
Deb Barnum
JASNA-Vermont Regional Coordinator

Jane Austen Society of North America: www.jasna.org
JASNA-Vermont:  JASNAVermont@gmail.com
blog: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com

VLA News – May 2011 is Hot off the Presses!

Hi all –

The VLA News – May 2011 has been sent out and should be waiting for you in your inbox if you are a current member who opted to receive it on their membership form or signed up online.

The VLA News is a member only privileged, so join or renew your membership today in order to get the current issue !

If you would like to read back issues of the VLA News (currently there is only one) they can be accessed from the side bar of the website under VLA Info by clicking through the VLA News Back Issues link.

If your dues are current and you didn’t receive the VLA News but believe you should have, please feel free to contact me and we’ll get it sorted out!

Helen Linda
VLA News Editor

Academic Uses of Social Media: Exploring 21st Century Communications

Tuesday, May 3 – 12:00-2:15 pm

Webcast Event; the live webcast of this event will be available at the following URL: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/interactive/webcast at 12 pm on 5/3

Co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Development & Diversity at Harvard and the Harvard Office of News and Public Affairs

Social media — from blogs to wikis to tweets — have become academic media, new means by which scholars communicate, collaborate, and teach. Hear from a distinguished faculty panel, moderated by John Palfrey, about how they are adopting and adapting to new communication and networking tools, following a keynote by social media thought leader danah boyd.

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Flood Recovery: What Communities and Individuals Should be Doing Now

WATERBURY – A number of communities have suffered significant damage in this week’s flooding.  Recovery efforts have begun and could eventually include monetary help from the federal government.

The process of obtaining funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has begun, and the state of Vermont is working to get through theprocess as quickly as possible.  Local communities should not delay in making repairs or cleaning up; if Vermont qualifies for FEMA assistance, thosefunds serve to reimburse communities for at least 75% of those costs.

The process of getting FEMA assistance and what communities should be doing now:

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