Over 300 library lovers attended the 2018 Vermont Library Conference at Lake Morey Resort on May 18th. Headliners Erica Freundenberger, Bill McKibben and Sue Halpern inspired us all. The day was filled with 25 workshops created and presented by our very own Vermont librarians. Lt. Governor David Zuckerman dropped by at the reception to chat one on one with us.
VLC2018 Links and Info
Hope you’re joining us at VLC on Lake Morey. Our conference hashtag is #VLC2018
Conference page is here.
Support materials for the conference including our opening sessions are here.
VLA Partners with Green Mountain Comic Expo
We’ve partnered with the Green Mountain Comic Expo to offer a coupon that parents can use to bring one child to VT ComicCon free with a paying adult. You can print out these coupons for your library–large size, smaller size four to a page–and hand them out to any interested patron. The event takes place in Barre on September 15th and 16th.
2018 Vermont Library Conference Registration
Registration for the conference is now open.
Librarians for Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is the belief that the companies who provide our Internet access should not have the ability to force content creators to pay more based on the information they provide, or even possibility block content they don’t approve of. Net Neutrality protects consumers from being charged more based on their Internet use, allows individuals to create their own content without fear they will have to pay to have other’s find it, and gives us all equal access to any content on the Internet. Sadly, Net Neutrality is no longer in place. However, Vermont librarians will continue to push for a reinstatement of these norms in order to protect our patrons. We will continue to offer free access to the Internet at our libraries across the state. A free and open Internet is so very valuable to our state so residents are able to learn, explore, build businesses, and participate in the world provided to us through the Internet. As librarians will we everything we can to fight for all Vermonters.
– Angele Mott Nickerson – VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee
Continuing Education Grant Applications Due March 1st!
Applications are due March 1st for a $250 Continuing Education Grant. Funds can be used to attend a conference, course or training. See: https://vermontlibraries.org/scholarship-committee/vla-continuing-education-grant/ to apply.
Ways to Take Action
Many people in our communities are wondering how they can remain active and hopeful through a long cold winter and also the current political climate. Here’s a short, curated list of simple ways to stay engaged.
- Five calls – “Turn your passive participation into active resistance.” scripts and suggestions for calling your government on the phone.
- Daily Action – a text a day with one thing you can do
- Don’t like phone calls? Here’s a simple how-to on how to follow through with those calls.
- Grab a Libraries Are For Everyone poster or graphic (free to use and share) and put it up in your library, especially if you have patrons who speak languages other than English
- Consider following the #vtpoli hashtag on Twitter to get a sense of the political issues facing our state
- Link to this clickable map to help people find their local elected representatives
- Make sure you’re signed up for the VTLIBRARIES mailing list (or others) and come say hello
Save the Date!
Please mark your calendars for the 2018 Vermont Library Association Conference May 18th 2018!
2018 VLA Graduate Scholarship Winner!
The VLA Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that the 2018 VLA Graduate Student Scholarship has been awarded to Susan O’Connell of East Hardwick, VT.
Slides from the 2017 College & Special Libraries Fall Program are available!
Many thanks to our presenters!
Let’s Get Together: Projects, Strategies, and New Approaches that Worked (Or Didn’t!)
November 17, 2017
St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT