Application deadline for Hathaway Award (Vermont Historical Society)

Please note that the deadline for receiving nominations for the 2009 Hathaway Award is coming up fast on August 1. The Publications and Research Committee of the Vermont Historical Society would like you to think about potential candidates, and to encourage them or their representatives to submit an application. The Hathaway Award is given annually for an outstanding contribution to the field of Vermont history produced in the previous calendar year, and includes a $1,000 prize. Projects may include, but are not limited to, publications, exhibits, works of art, documentary films, radio programs, websites, and dramatic works. Additional information and the application (attached here) are available on the VHS website. If you have questions, please contact Alan Berolzheimer at 802-649-2857 or

ACRL NEC Scholarly Communication 101 Workshop

What: Scholarly Communication 101 Workshop
Who: Sponsored by the ACRL NEC Scholarly Communication SIG
Where: Hosted by the Dartmouth College Library, Hanover NH
When: Thursday, July 23rd from 9:30AM-3:00PM

Description: This free workshop is for librarians, academic computing specialists, and faculty with a special interest in an introduction to these issues.

What you will learn:

  • Copy rights and author rights
  • Access and economics of scholarly publishing
  • Evolving models of scholarly and scientific publishing

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VLA Awards for 2009

At the 2009 Vermont Library Conference, the Vermont Library Association presented awards to two outstanding Vermont librarians: Michael Roche and Amy Grasmick, and to one terrific trustee: Tina Rotella.

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ALA Washington Office Webinar: Cracking the Congressional Code

Join us for an ALA Washington Office Webinar where Kristin Murphy (ALA Washington Office) and Stephanie Vance (Advocacy Guru), both survivors of Capitol Hill, explain many of the mysterious workings of Congress. Don’t know your appropriation from your authorization? Aren’t sure what a subcommittee markup is (or why you should care)? Wondering if a Continuing Resolution really is as boring as it sounds? This session will bring you up to speed on key Congressional activities, how they might impact libraries in the near future and, most important, what you can do about it. Come prepared to learn more about “Dear Colleagues,” “Cloture” and “Floor Proceedings” than you ever thought you would.

ACLU First Amendment Conference – Registration Deadline 6/23/09

MONTPELIER-“ The First Amendment is being asked to do more as technology transforms the way thoughts and beliefs are expressed, and free speech lines are questioned.

“Thought and Expression in a Changing World”  is the topic of a day-long conference Monday, June 29 in South Burlington sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont.

Speakers will include Catherine Crump, an attorney with the National ACLU’s First Amendment Working Group, and Dan Barrett, staff attorney at the ACLU-VT. Other Vermont attorneys will participate on panels discussing specific cases and incidents, including recent controversies involving broadcast of the Al Jazeera-English channel on a local cable TV system and images placed on locally manufactured snowboards.

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NELA Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Camila Alire, ALA President-Elect, will be joining us at the next New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference in October 2009. Dr. Alire will be leading a special ALA Forum on Sunday, October 18. Share your thoughts on how ALA should focus its efforts in the next five years. As her presidential initiatives, Dr. Alire will also be sharing her expertise and innovative ideas about Library Advocacy and Literacy in a presentation on Monday, October 19. View initiatives, biography and more on her official website.


NELA Annual Conference Preview

For those of you on Linkedin, a new networking group for the New England Library Association was started thanks to Joe Fox. Just type in NELA in the Search Groups field and you will find us. Please consider joining Linkedin and this new group to network and stay in touch with your fellow New England library workers.

NELA Counterparts 2009

This summer, the New England Library Association (NELA) presents a unique opportunity for all library workers to attend a mindful and meaningful mini-conference in the New England region. This is NELA Counterparts.

Counterparts 2009 is a two-day educational event for NELA members, state library association members, consortia members and any other interested persons. Scheduled for Thursday and Friday, July 16-17, 2009 on the Connecticut College (New London) campus.

For information on our Speaker, conference details and registration forms, please visit this link:

Registrations will be accepted until June 30th. Confirmation, agenda and directions will be sent upon receipt of registration.

Changes in services at Midstate and Northeast Regional Libraries

Current economic conditions and a series of budget cuts at the Department of Libraries have resulted in reductions to our general operating budget and in the elimination of four full-time positions. The positions were taken from: (1) Law/Reference at the State Library, (2) The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, (3) Midstate Regional Library, and the (4) Northeast Regional Library.

To cope with these position cuts, and the resulting staff shortages, I have made these changes in the operation of the two regional libraries:

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