Live Demos of Koha and Evergreen Open Source Library System

Posted on behalf of Mary White, Director of the Howe Library (Hanover, NH)

To all:

The Howe Library in Hanover, NH is seriously looking at Koha with LibLime and Evergreen with Equinox. We intend to send out our RFP in July and hope to make a decision in September.

With that in mind, we have made arrangements to have live demos at the Howe Library and wish to invite any NH and VT (and others) librarians that wish to come. It wasn’t easy to get them to come but we assured them that many libraries, not just the Howe Library, are interested.

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Updated Library Use Calculator

The new version looks and works the same as the previous version, it’s just easier for libraries to implement. Instead of having to muck around with coding, libraries can now embed it in their website web 2.0-style, just by copy/pasting a bit of code (like a YouTube video).

Brian Herzog is asking folks to “Please check out the new calculator, and
add it to your library website – let me know if you need help.”

You can contact him here:

Changes in services at Midstate and Northeast Regional Libraries

Current economic conditions and a series of budget cuts at the Department of Libraries have resulted in reductions to our general operating budget and in the elimination of four full-time positions. The positions were taken from: (1) Law/Reference at the State Library, (2) The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, (3) Midstate Regional Library, and the (4) Northeast Regional Library.

To cope with these position cuts, and the resulting staff shortages, I have made these changes in the operation of the two regional libraries:

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Round Four of Listen Up! Vermont

Hello all,

We’re gearing up for signups for Round Four of Listen Up! Vermont, the downloadable audio book service from the Green Mountain Library Consortium provided by OverDrive.

Round Four begins July 1 for staff training and access, with public access available on or about August 1. You can look at the current collection at; let us know if you would like to try and download a title, and we will send you a library card number.

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Notice About Movie Licenses for Public Libraries

I am pleased to announce that the Department of Libraries has successfully negotiated a new contract with Movie Licensing USA for Vermont public libraries. This license will permit the FREE public performance of movies (from selected Hollywood studios) in public library buildings. This new contract covers the period of June 1, 2009 – May 31, 2010.

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100 Ways to Make Your Library a Little Greener

Librarians need to be on the constant cutting edge in terms of technology, researching, web tools and even architecture and design. But libraries are also a great place to educate the public and your students about the environment, from eco-friendly lifestyle choices to organizations that promote green causes. Here are 100 ways to make your library a little greener.

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Ashgate Grants for Vermont Town Libraries

Since the year 2000, Ashgate Publishing Company in Burlington has devoted a large portion of its annual charitable contributions budget to support libraries around the state.

Through its library donations program, Ashgate makes grants to public libraries in Vermont for special one-time projects and needs (as opposed to standard operating expenses and book budgets) as they arise. Some examples of the grants made in past years include:

ALA State Library Fact Sheets For LSTA and ITSL

Both Leahy and Sanders have signed now the Dear Colleague letter for Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries Program.

These updated fact sheets for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA ) and and the Improving Learning Through School Libraries (ILTSL) program are helpful when communicating with your members of Congress as they craft the FY 2010 budget.

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Position cuts at the Department of Libraries and Regional Library Closings

To: Vermont Library Community

I regretfully announce that, as a result of mandated budget and position cuts, the Department of Libraries is eliminating four positions: (1) full time clerk at Midstate Regional Library (previously announced); (2) full time clerk at the Special Services Unit/Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; (3) full time clerk at the Northeast Regional Library; and (4) full time secretary position in the Law and Documents Division.

As a result of these cuts, I have made the decision to end services at the Regional Libraries as follows:

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