Free Computer Monitors

Ashgate Publishing Company in Burlington is giving away some older model computer monitors that are in great condition. They are available free of charge, but must be picked up at their office. Please contact Alyssa Stevens at Ashgate for further information. The monitors available are:

  • 2 – Proview PS920F-1 19″ CRT Monitor Purchased 2003-2004
  • 1 – Viewsonic E70 17″ CRT Monitor Purchased 2003
  • 3 – Viewsonic G90F-3 19″ CRT Monitor Purchased 2005
  • 1 – Princeton E0700 17″ CRT Monitor Purchased 2001

They are the bulkier models so they would need to be taken away as soon as possible as they are sitting on the floor in peoples offices.

Alyssa Stevens
Ashgate Publishing Co.
101 Cherry Street; Ste 420
Burlington, VT., 05401
802-865-7641 /fx 802-865-7847

Free Webinar: TechSoup for Public Libraries–Donated Software and More!

Through, public libraries can receive brand-new software donated by top companies for use on public access computers. For example, Microsoft Office Pro 2007 is available for a $20 admin fee or Vista for a $10 admin fee.

Not only can you get donated software, you can get articles, a community forum, free webinars and more! Attend this webinar and learn how your library can benefit from everything that TechSoup has to offer.

Brenda Hough of TechSoup’s MaintainIT Project, will interview Becky Heil from Dubuque County Library in Farley, Iowa and Brett Fisher from Flathead Country Library in Kalispell, Montana to learn how they use TechSoup and what advice they’d give to people new to TechSoup.

Space is limited, sign up today!

Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Pacific (Noon Mountain/1 PM Central/2 PM Eastern)
Information on TechSoup:

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VT Libraries Listserv change

After much discussion over the course of the year, the VLA Board voted to change the default reply for the VTLibraries listserv to Reply to Sender.  Messages sent to the listserv will now automatically have a footer that more easily gives the listserv address so that anyone wishing to reply to the whole list (currently 271 people), can easily do so by simply copying and pasting the list address into the To: field of their message.  This change will eliminate accidental replies to the list intended only for the sender, but it still allows people to reply to everyone on the list if they so choose.   See instructions for joining the listserv if you are not yet on the list. 

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 and Libraries

A public meeting was held January 22, and Cheryl Falvey, General Counsel for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), stated that a decision should be made by the first week of February regarding libraries. She advised libraries not to take any action at this time, and we are hopeful that the Commission’s decision will exempt libraries.

Even with her assurances, we must let the CPSC know how important an issue this is to libraries. Please call the Acting Commissioner, Nancy Nord, at (301) 504-7901. When you call this number, wait for the automated directory to give you directions to reach Nancy Nord’s office. Explain to the Commission that it is simply impossible for libraries to remove all children’s books from the shelves and/or ban children under 12 from the library and still provide the level of service that is needed.
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2010 Vermont Library Conference

Dear VLA/VSLA Members:

We are very excited about this year’s Vermont Library Conference, May 12 and 13, 2009. Our co-chairs, Barbara Doyle-Wilch (VLA) and Sara Goldstein (VSLA), are putting together an incredibly creative and timely conference, “Speaking Up! Advocacy for Libraries.”

We do not have co-chairs from both organizations for the 2010 Vermont Library Conference, so the time has come to take a step back and revaluate our professional development needs. We feel the best way to accomplish this task is to form a committee comprised of a few members from each of our two organizations to research various options. This commitment would last approximately 6 weeks. Here is the proposed timeline:

* Email Judah Hamer or Susan Monmaney by January 31, 2009, to express an interest in serving on this committee
* Week 1: Work with fellow committee members to determine
o Meeting venue(s) (online, in person, conference calls)
o Number of necessary meetings
o Division of responsibilities
* Weeks 2-5: Research professional development options
* Week 6: Compile results of research
* Report committee recommendations to VLA/VSLA boards by March 15th

We look forward to volunteers joining this committee. It is a special opportunity to provide guidance and direction for the next wave of professional development opportunities for the Vermont library community.


Judah Hamer
President, VLA

Susan Monmaney
President, VSLA

Vermont Library Conference – Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center – May 12 & 13, 2009

We have a fabulous program shaping up for this year’s conference, thanks to all of you! Please check the Vermont Library Conference website for information about some of this year’s featured speakers. We will be adding more information to the website about the program schedule and registration over the next few weeks!

Here’s what you can look forward to at this year’s Vermont Library Conference:

Keynote Speeches by:
Marshall Keys
Wayne Piper
Chris Bohjalian

Cooperative Village: A One-Woman Show about Advocacy for Libraries!

Programs by:
Keith Curry Lance
Jan Reynolds
Many, many more fabulous presenters from both VLA and VSLA!

An Advocacy Cocktail Reception on 5/12
Legislators, school boards, administrators, library boards, and trustees will be invited for a poster session, over wine and cheese!

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Vermont Library Conference – Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center – May 12 & 13, 2009

We have a fabulous program shaping up for this year’s conference, thanks to all of you! Please check the Vermont Library Conference website for information about some of this year’s featured speakers. We will be adding more information to the website about the program schedule and registration over the next few weeks!
Here’s what you can look forward to at this year’s Vermont Library Conference:
Keynote Speeches by:
Marshall Keys
Wayne Piper
Chris Bohjalian
Cooperative Village: A One-Woman Show about Advocacy for Libraries!
Programs by:
Keith Curry Lance
Jan Reynolds
Many, many more fabulous presenters from both VLA and VSLA!
An Advocacy Cocktail Reception on 5/12
Legislators, school boards, administrators, library boards, and trustees will be invited for a poster session, over wine and cheese!
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