White House Petition on School Libraries!

Please take a moment to sign this important petition which specifically asks the Obama administration to “ensure that every child in America has access to an effective school library program.” 25,000 signatures are required in order for this petition to be viewed by White House staff, no later than February 4, 2012.

Public Library Association 2012 Conference

The Public Library Association (PLA) is counting down to its biennial conference, PLA 2012, March 13-17, in Philadelphia. PLA 2012 Conference Bookended by Exciting Keynote Speakers Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Betty White! Early Bird Registration is now available!

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State Librarian “Tour” Visit Rescheduled in Rockingham

January 23, 1-3 p.m. (SNOW DATE: January 30, 1-3 p.m.)
Rockingham Free Library, Bellows Falls: http://rfpl.kohalibrary.com/

State Librarian Martha Reid will be at the Rockingham Free Public Library on January 23 to talk about current projects and activities at the Department of Libraries and to get feedback from the greater Vermont library community. Previous sessions have been great, with lots of good discussion. All are welcome –librarians/library staff, library trustees, and local officials — to attend this informal session. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so bring your questions and comments.

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State Librarian "Tour" Visit Rescheduled in Rockingham

January 23, 1-3 p.m. (SNOW DATE: January 30, 1-3 p.m.)
Rockingham Free Library, Bellows Falls: http://rfpl.kohalibrary.com/
State Librarian Martha Reid will be at the Rockingham Free Public Library on January 23 to talk about current projects and activities at the Department of Libraries and to get feedback from the greater Vermont library community. Previous sessions have been great, with lots of good discussion. All are welcome –librarians/library staff, library trustees, and local officials — to attend this informal session. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so bring your questions and comments.
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VOL/Gale Database Training 2/7 & 2/13

Please join the wonderful Stacey Knibloe from Gale for two webinars on the Vermont Online Library/Gale Databases. If you cannot attend on the day of the event, there will be an archive available.

To register, click on the webinar title. I will send the webinar access information and instructions to you the day before each session.

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VOL/Gale Database Training 2/7 & 2/13

Please join the wonderful Stacey Knibloe from Gale for two webinars on the Vermont Online Library/Gale Databases. If you cannot attend on the day of the event, there will be an archive available.
To register, click on the webinar title. I will send the webinar access information and instructions to you the day before each session.
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VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference

Join us for the VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference, Friday, January 27th!

Our focus: FRESH, EASY, & CHEAP!

We, Amy and Kat, present to you, our phenomenal partners in Youth and Young Adult Librarianship, the VLA Youth Section Mid-Winter Magic Conference! On Friday, Jan. 27th, from 9:30 am-4:00 pm at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre, join us for an exploration of programs, displays, and approaches that are “Fresh, Easy, and Cheap!” The morning will be filled with a variety of speakers, from art teachers to former teen volunteers, all presenting fresh ideas on how to enrich your youth offerings and environment. And in the afternoon real live teens will be on hand for a discussion-based forum helping us identify what teens are looking for in libraries and how to best provide them with the services, atmosphere, and experience they need and want. The inclement weather date is Friday, Feb. 3rd, 9:30 am-4:00 pm. If you have a laptop, bring it! Also, bring a lunch, a favorite children’s book to work with, and your own “fresh, easy, cheap” ideas to share. This conference is absolutely FREE!

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VLC 2012: We Want You For Academic Library Pecha Kucha!

WHAT: Sign up to present at The Academic Library Show & Tell Sessions:  Pecha Kucha @ the Vermont Library Conference.

WHO: Invitation to people who work in academic libraries:  submit an idea to present a pecha kucha session.

(You know you want to).  Topics?  Think fun, useful, interesting.  This is a multiple-speaker event.

WHEN & WHERE: May 22, 2012, Vermont Library Conference, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

HOW: The format:  your presentation will consist of 20 powerpoint slides, with each slide allotted 20 seconds for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

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