New England Library Association Annual Conference



Annual Conference Offerings & Registration

NELA Membership Registration

Dear Colleagues,

I don’t want you to miss the next New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference this coming October 18 – 20. The fall is a busy time for us all but it is also a good chance to refresh and renew by planning time to attend the conference.

We offer many presentations, events and exhibitors that represent a variety of interests. Here are just a few:

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Jane Austen for Smarties

Hello all, please post the information below in your libraries – all are welcome! [if you want a proper flyer in a pdf file for display, or if this does not come to you in a readable format, let me know, or if you want to be on our permanent mailing list – email me privately at]

Thank you,
Deb Barnum

Bygone Books
PO Box 5034
Burlington VT 05402


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Peer Reviewers Needed for Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

I am forwarding this message from IMLS calling for peer reviewers of applications for federal ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) BTOP (Broadband Technology Opportunities Program) grant funds.

NTIA “encourages interested library and museum professionals to review grant applications for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)” and some of you may be interested in being part of the review process.

The Department of Libraries is a participant in two applications that have been submitted to the BTOP program: (1) Public Computing Centers (as the major applicant), partnering with The Vermont State Colleges and 65 public libraries, and (2) Sustainable Adoption of Broadband: The VT Council on Rural Development is the lead contact and the Department of Libraries is one of several grant partners.

Librarians who are somehow connected with either of these grants may not be eligible as reviewers, due to a conflict of interest. For more information, please see the message below.


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CORRECTION: Library Reports and Standard Training in Ludlow not Full

Please see original post for more information on this event.

Hello Everyone,

We have learned that the registration deadline for the Bibliostat Collect training on October 1 at 9:30 in Ludlow was accidentally set to 8/24. If you tried to register, you were told that the session was full, but that’s not true. The deadline will be changed to 9/24 in the next few days. As soon as we change that date, you’ll be able to enroll. If you want to register for this training, please wait until the end of this week, or early next week. Then, click on the link for the Fletcher Memorial Library, Ludlow: . It should work by Friday, but if not, try again next Monday. The session is not full.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Rob Geiszler
Regional Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
(802) 786-3839

Traveling Doll and Book Exhibits FREE for the Borrowing

Many of you have hosted the traveling doll and book exhibits but there are many who have not.
They are sponsored by the United Federation of Doll Clubs, Region 15 and by the Green Mountain Doll Club of Vermont.

I am now booking 2010.

For those you wish to learn more about how your library can host these FREE and FUN exhibits, just drop me a line.

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Libraries and Ken Burns’ “The National Parks”

Join the excitement around the Vermont Public Television premiere of Ken Burns’ new series, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea on September 27, 2009.

  1. Schedule a community preview and discussion of The National Parks. Get the 45-minute preview DVD of the series, electronic invitations, template press release and flyers to promote the event from or
  2. Link to the VPT website from your website so people can see information about the film series and the State Parks photo contest.
  3. Schedule a Ranger from Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park or one of the Vermont State Parks to participate in the preview. For National Park Rangers, contact Tim Maguire, Chief of Visitor Services, at 802-457-3368 x18 or by e-mail: For State Park Rangers, contact Nate McKeen, Chief of Park Operations, at 802-241-3664 or by e-mail:
  4. List events related to the Ken Burns premiere on the Public Television website by contacting or 1-800-639-3351.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Libraries and Ken Burns' "The National Parks"

Join the excitement around the Vermont Public Television premiere of Ken Burns’ new series, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea on September 27, 2009.

  1. Schedule a community preview and discussion of The National Parks. Get the 45-minute preview DVD of the series, electronic invitations, template press release and flyers to promote the event from or
  2. Link to the VPT website from your website so people can see information about the film series and the State Parks photo contest.
  3. Schedule a Ranger from Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park or one of the Vermont State Parks to participate in the preview. For National Park Rangers, contact Tim Maguire, Chief of Visitor Services, at 802-457-3368 x18 or by e-mail: For State Park Rangers, contact Nate McKeen, Chief of Park Operations, at 802-241-3664 or by e-mail:
  4. List events related to the Ken Burns premiere on the Public Television website by contacting or 1-800-639-3351.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Alliance for Response Forum Deadline Approaching

The deadline for registration for the Vermont Alliance for Response Forum on August 31 in Woodstock is fast approaching. This is a free event, but we need registration in advance. This daylong session will emphasize the importance of working with your communities’ emergency responders in preparing your emergency plan for saving heritage collections in the event of an emergency or disaster. Nationally recognized speakers on disaster and emergency response will make it clear why planning is important and provide you with information on how to get started with your own plan. The Vermont Historical Society, in cooperation with Heritage Preservation, is hosting this statewide initiative to bring together cultural heritage institutions and first responders.

Go to for the link for online registration.

Here’s the original post on the VLA website about this event.

Cultural Facilities Grant Workshops

Old library building needs work? Here’s an opportunity.

The Vermont Arts Council will be hosting three Grant-seeker Workshops for
the Cultural Facilities program. Vermont organizations interested in funding
to revive or refurbish historical buildings are strongly encouraged to
attend one of these sessions. All workshops will take place from 3 to 5
pm. If you plan to attend, please notify Susan McDowell at or by calling 802 828 0152.

  • Tuesday, September 1 at Jamaica Town Hall
  • Thursday, September 3 at Middlebury Town Hall Theater
  • Tuesday, September 8 at Danville Town Hall