National Speaker on Digital Marketing and Privacy

Burlington Area Access TV Organizations Bring National Speaker on Digital Marketing and Privacy
Contact Lauren-Glenn Davitian, 802-862-3966 x12

On Thursday, September 22, 2011 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at Champlain College, Alumni Auditorium, Jeff Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy will speak on how marketers track online and digital footprints, threats to privacy and dramatic changes in the delivery of news, information and entertainment. Digital Media at the Crossroads: Content & Control in the Internet Era is free and open to the public. Chester explores the latest developments in technologically advanced personalized data targeting, the role of the leading online marketing companies, new approaches to policy, its impact on diverse and progressive media content, and implications for the future of democracy and human rights.

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Tech Trends 2011 Workshop

If you don’t have anything else planned for Wednesday, August 17th from 9:30-3:00 (or even if you do!), please consider coming to the Aldrich Library in Barre for Tech Trends 2011. Perennial favorite presenter Linda Braun will be sparking our imaginations with exciting new technologies for our libraries.

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VLA Members Craft ALA Resolution to Enhance Reader Privacy Protections

VLA members Trina Magi,  UVM Bailey Howe Library,  Gail Weymouth, Director of  Killington’s  Sherburne Memorial Library and Nancy Wilson, Director of Bristol’s Lawrence Memorial Library played  major roles in the creation  and adoption of  an ALA Resolution to better protect reader privacy.

  The Intellectual Freedom Committee and the IFC Privacy Subcommittee developed the “Resolution to Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices” after receiving requests from librarians and library users to examine the issue of reader privacy and self-service holds.  Prior to last month’s ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, the Office for Intellectual Freedom distributed the resolution for comment, and an open hearing was held during Conference for comments.  That process led to a revision of the resolution and what the IFC believes to be an improved version.

The final resolution as presented by the Intellectual Freedom Committee was adopted by the ALA Council on June 28.

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E-Vermont Citizens in a Connected Age Workshop

Vermont librarians and any Vermonters with basic computer skills are welcome at the Citizens in a Connected Age Internet Technology workshop, March 5, 2011at Lyndonville State College. Vermont public librarians attending will receive 5 DOL technology certification credits after completing an evaluation. Joanna Cummings of the Snelling Center for Government organized the workshop as the e-Vermont Community Coordinator. Libraries do not need to be part of the e-Vermont grant to attend. For more information, including the registration link,

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NELA ITS Spring Workshop

Hi Everyone!

Hold the date of Friday, June 17, 2011 for the annual New England Library Association Information Technology Section’s Spring Event. This year our theme is mobile technology. More details, including about our great speakers, will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Marilyn Borgendale
2011 NELA ITS Chair

Vermont Online Library/Gale Database Training

Please join the wonderful Stacey Knibloe from Gale for webinars on the Vermont Online Library/Gale Databases. There will be four sessions. If you cannot attend on the day of the event, do not fret, an archive will be available.

Click on the title to register. I will send webinar instructions the day before each session.

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