
VLA CSL Letter to NEASC-CIHE Concerning Revised Standards

neasc logoDear Dr. Brittingham and Members of the NEASC-CIHE Board:
The Vermont Library Association College & Special Libraries Section appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the August 2015 Draft NEASC Standards for Accreditation. We support the October 20, 2015 letter from David Bretthauer, Association of College and Research Libraries President, addressing the NEASC-CIHE draft.
Additionally the Vermont section of College & Special Libraries would like to provide input and voice our concerns regarding the significant reduction of the Library’s role in the draft. The draft eliminates the standard devoted to libraries and therefore fails to recognize the vital role of librarians and library services in student outcomes. While the draft acknowledges the importance of research and information literacy, it does not account for the services and skills provided by librarians and libraries necessary to reach those standards. Read more…

Vermont Library Association Letter to President Barack Obama Concerning the Next Librarian of Congress

Library of Congress LogoOctober 16, 2015
Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of the Vermont Library Association Executive Board, we write to express support for the appointment of a professional librarian as the next Librarian of Congress. This person will stand as a leader for our nation’s libraries and cultural institutions, as well as a global role model for democratic principles such as equal access to information, economic development in new areas of technology, and information and the new education models that will enrich our society. Librarians nationally have so much to gain with such a role model in the country’s top bibliographic institution. Read More…

Passport to Vermont Libraries statewide winners!

  We have our statewide winners! Thank you to all who participated in this fun and exciting program. The Vermont Library Association hopes to sponsor this amazing program again next year. Stay tuned!And the winners are:

  • Adult- Emily Ahtunan, Kellogg Hubbard Library, Montpelier
  • YA- Ariana Cioffi, Springfield Town Library
  • Child- Torynce Hathaway, Castleton Free Library
  • Wild Card- Noah Jones, Whiting Library, Chester

The Passport to Vermont Libraries committee will be in touch with each of your librarians to arrange getting your prizes to you. Congratulations!

ACTION ALERT: Cuts to the Department of Libraries

Call Your Legislators Today!

Contact Your Legislators Today!

A full picture of the cuts is still emerging, but we know that the State Law Library is now slated for elimination. Additionally, it is clear that the cuts as prescribed will result in a loss of federal funding that is likely to continue beyond the FY 2016 budget cycle. As we fail to meet the matching requirements for federal funds, DOL will likely lose positions (20 out of 26 are funded in part by federal money) and will then be less equipped to meet matching requirements moving forward. The likely effect has been described as a “spiraling” or “cascading” loss of federal support.
The Vermont Library Association is deeply concerned about the magnitude of these cuts and their certain impacts on our libraries and the patrons we serve. We’ve written a press release from the Vermont Library Association sharing our concerns and itemizing many of the services that DOL provides in collaboration with libraries around the state.
Please contact members of the House and Senate Appropriations committees to share your concerns with them:
House Appropriations
Senate Appropriations
You may also share brief and timely requests and concerns with committee chairs and members by contacting the Sergeant at Arms at: (802) 828-2228 or
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Government Relations Committee Chair Selene Colburn at 802-233-1358. We will continue to update you as the situation develops in the coming days and weeks.
VLA Government Relations Committee

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